
Sprout (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Common
Plant based terralien with plant like flesh and typically has any sort of plant life growing in their tank visor.
Just like plants, sprouts can regenerate their limbs if cut off for any reason. Due to sprouts consisting of plant material, they must soak themselves in cool water every 3rd day to prevent dehydration and death. Sprout terras grow plants and/or fungi in their visors. Their visors are one of the few that have the ability to have an open hole in the top.
List of applicable traits:
  • Tentacles
  • Ears
  • Fur
  • Bioluminescence
  • Plant growth
  • Plant tails
  • Visor tank opening
  • Horns

Bug (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Common
Insect based terralien with goopy organs and flesh. Visor usually holds insects and plant life.
Bugs usually have more than 2 arms but are allowed to have just 2. This subspecies of terras are usually underground and burrowed. This is the only subspecies that can change its visor shape to have glass mandibles.  Bug terraliens reproduce through laying small eggs on leaves or in their burrows.
List of applicable traits:
  • Exoskeleton
  • Shell
  • Wings
  • Arthropod Tail
  • Fur
  • Mandibles
  • Spikes/Thorns
  • Extra limbs (up to 2 extra pairs before needing item)
  • Antenna
  • Horns

Amphibian (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Uncommon
Slimy and smooth, the amphibious terraliens commonly dwell in swamps and small bodies of water. They hold any species of amphibian in their visor.
This subspecies is home to all amphibian terras which have slimy skin and mainly stay in water. Some amphibian terras such as toads, newts, salamanders, and some frogs will stay on land. These terras reproduce in water and produce eggs in the water in clutches. Amphibians inside visors that have aquatic habitats must have above ground substrate to them. Additionally, these habitats must only have 50% of water.
List of applicable traits:
  • Fins/webbing
  • Goopy skin
  • Iridescence
  • Transparency
  • Color Shift (Up to 100%)
  • Pouch
  • Aquatic Tail

Beast (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Uncommon
The beast terralien is all warm and fuzzy with a small critter inside the dome. These warm blooded terras have colored flesh with bones. 
Based off of land mammals and avians, beast terraliens are usually furry or feathery. These terras can have wings or no wings. Beast terras dont lay eggs but instead allow the offspring to grow inside of the body unless said beast terra is avian based.
List of applicable traits:
  • Fur
  • Ears
  • Feathers
  • Pouch
  • Wings
  • Hooves
  • Horns

Marine (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Rare
Marine terraliens are found both in and out of water, however the organisms in their visor must be in liquid and have little to no substrate. They can breathe through the gills on their sensor. They hold water and any species of sea creature in their tank.
Salt and freshwater based terraliens house sea creatures in their visor tanks and usually dont have fur. Marines can have fur but usually have scaly skin and fins. Their sensors do not take in oxygen or smells but instead produce oxygen through the skin into the visor tank. These terras lay eggs as offspring. Some exceptions will not lay eggs but have the offspring grow inside the body.
List of applicable traits:
  • Glitter
  • Iridescent flesh/markings
  • Transparency
  • Exoskeleton
  • Scales
  • Fins/webbing
  • Tentacles
  • Shell
  • Color shift
  • Bioluminescence
  • Spikes/thorns
  • Aquatic tail
  • Goopy skin
  • Antenna

Reptilian (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Rare
Cold blooded terras, also classified as reptilian, prefer staying in warm climates. These scaley critters house most reptiles in their visor tank. Some may have liquid in their visors but must be accompanied with land.
A  scaly subspecies that have hard scaly skin and usually have horns and spikes. These terras are not commonly found with fur. Reptilian terras lay eggs.
List of applicable traits:
  • Scales
  • Hood
  • Fins/webbing
  • Color shift (Up to 100%)
  • Spikes/thorns
  • Horns
  • Exoskeleton
  • Iridescence
  • Pouch

Synthetic (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Limited
Terraliens with inanimate objects that are not living, OR with creatures based off of inanimate objects, such as a robot, are classified as synthetics. These terras are based off of anything inedible and nonliving.
Synthetic and edible terraliens are based off of nonliving items such as food and objects. Neither can reproduce and are artificially made.
List of applicable traits:
  • All traits are applicable to this species.

Edible (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Limited
Edible terraliens are based off of foods and beverages. They are never found in the wild. Edible terraliens can also have organisms inside that are made of food, such as a living gummy worm.
Synthetic and edible terraliens are based off of nonliving items such as food and objects. Neither can reproduce and are artificially made.
List of applicable traits:
  • All traits are applicable to this species EXCEPT screen visor.

Microbe (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Modified
A small and playful type of Terralien that cares for microscopic organiams and cells.
Microbe Terras are unique due to their small size and broad range of cells and organisms that they can care for. The average Microbe Terra will reach 1 foot max, meaning they will almost always be the smallest Terras you could find. Despite their mischeveous demeanors, they are not harmful. Microbe Terraliens cannot be based off of viruses or harmful bacteria.
  • NO viruses or deadly bacteria/fungus
  • Made up microbes are fine and encouraged!
  • Examples of real life microbe organisms/cells that would pass: neuron cells, algae, plant cells, harmless bacteria, fictional cells/organisms
Microbe Terraliens are solely obtainable via Mod/Guest Artist designs and by applying a 'Glow Vial' to a MYO Slot.
List of applicable traits:
  • Ears
  • Fur
  • Horns
  • Extra Limbs
  • Bioluminescence
  • Transparency (Up to 100%)
  • Tentacles
  • Micro
  • Fins
  • Iridescence
  • Exoskeleton
  • Goopy Skin
  • Spikes/Thorns
  • Glitter
  • Stretched
  • Shrunken
  • Duplicated Parts
  • Multi Colored Visor
  • Microbe Tail

Fossil (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Modified

A mysterious and solitary subtype of Terraliens that carries the remnants of their former critter.

Fossil Terras cover a vast range of critters that have become fossilized within their visor. There is no average height for fossil Terras as it is believed that they are the zombified state of former Terras that could not pass on. Across Terrah, it is quite rare to spot a fossil Terralien, due to their nature of hiding away from the world. They are described as often having a dry or rough exterior, with hardened skin and rampant fossilized growths across their body.


  • Made up fossils are allowed and encouraged!
  • Any subtype from Sprout, Bug, Amphibian, Beast, Marine, Reptilian & Microbe are represented by fossil Terraliens. However for subtypes like microbes, they need to be encased within a solid material.
  • Flesh cannot be included within the fossil! It must strictly remain to bones, kertain or other solid remains! Additionally means of fossilization that require human intervention do not fall under this subtype and would still be classed as limited!
  • The fossils can be within liquid!

Fossil Terraliens are solely obtainable via Mod/Guest Artist designs or by applying a 'Amber Crypt' to a MYO Slot.

Fossil Information

Image Credit: civet

Fossil terraliens can be split into four individual categories depending on how the critter within their visor has become fossilized. These four Stages can be changed when redesigning via the 'Field Kit'  item. Any of the four stages can be chosen when designing a fossil terra.

Fossil Information

Image Credit: Peachepines

List of applicable traits:

  • Ears
  • Fur
  • Horns
  • Scales
  • Extra Limbs
  • Transparency
  • Micro
  • Macro
  • Fins
  • Exoskeleton
  • Spikes/Thorns
  • Stretched
  • Shrunken
  • Duplicated Parts
  • Multi Colored Visor
  • Bone Tail
  • Visor Decay
  • Fossilized Parts

Testing (Terralien subtype)

Planterary (Terralien subtype)

oooo information scary!

12 subtypes found.