
Planetary (Terralien subtype)

Planetaries are advanced Terraliens with at least one planet containing life present in their visor.

Planetary Terras hold special connections to the planets displayed in their visors. These often gentle giants, with the ability to grow their size to a whopping 50 feet in height, tend to stay around 6 to 13 feet when not on their home planets. These Terraliens devote much of their time to studying their planets or area’s  inhabitants, with some Terras sending cloaked drones to observe their real-life counterparts, while others going so far as to live among them. Drastic intervention with the planet and its lifeforms, however, is heavily discouraged.

While these Terraliens can have more than one planet hologram in their visors, or even galaxies depending on the type, they must always have some type of lifeform on at least one of the planets' surfaces. Should life on the planet or area they're connected to completely die off, so too will the Terra.

Planetary Terraliens are not yet able to be made, and this page is still a work in progress.

1 subtype found.