
Marine (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Rare
Marine terraliens are found both in and out of water, however the organisms in their visor must be in liquid and have little to no substrate. They can breathe through the gills on their sensor. They hold water and any species of sea creature in their tank.
Salt and freshwater based terraliens house sea creatures in their visor tanks and usually dont have fur. Marines can have fur but usually have scaly skin and fins. Their sensors do not take in oxygen or smells but instead produce oxygen through the skin into the visor tank. These terras lay eggs as offspring. Some exceptions will not lay eggs but have the offspring grow inside the body.
List of applicable traits:
  • Glitter
  • Iridescent flesh/markings
  • Transparency
  • Exoskeleton
  • Scales
  • Fins/webbing
  • Tentacles
  • Shell
  • Color shift
  • Bioluminescence
  • Spikes/thorns
  • Aquatic tail
  • Goopy skin
  • Antenna
1 subtype found.