
Microbe (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Modified
A small and playful type of Terralien that cares for microscopic organiams and cells.
Microbe Terras are unique due to their small size and broad range of cells and organisms that they can care for. The average Microbe Terra will reach 1 foot max, meaning they will almost always be the smallest Terras you could find. Despite their mischeveous demeanors, they are not harmful. Microbe Terraliens cannot be based off of viruses or harmful bacteria.
  • NO viruses or deadly bacteria/fungus
  • Made up microbes are fine and encouraged!
  • Examples of real life microbe organisms/cells that would pass: neuron cells, algae, plant cells, harmless bacteria, fictional cells/organisms
Microbe Terraliens are solely obtainable via Mod/Guest Artist designs and by applying a 'Glow Vial' to a MYO Slot.
List of applicable traits:
  • Ears
  • Fur
  • Horns
  • Extra Limbs
  • Bioluminescence
  • Transparency (Up to 100%)
  • Tentacles
  • Micro
  • Fins
  • Iridescence
  • Exoskeleton
  • Goopy Skin
  • Spikes/Thorns
  • Glitter
  • Stretched
  • Shrunken
  • Duplicated Parts
  • Multi Colored Visor
  • Microbe Tail
1 subtype found.