
Fossil (Terralien subtype)

Rarity: Modified

A mysterious and solitary subtype of Terraliens that carries the remnants of their former critter.

Fossil Terras cover a vast range of critters that have become fossilized within their visor. There is no average height for fossil Terras as it is believed that they are the zombified state of former Terras that could not pass on. Across Terrah, it is quite rare to spot a fossil Terralien, due to their nature of hiding away from the world. They are described as often having a dry or rough exterior, with hardened skin and rampant fossilized growths across their body.


  • Made up fossils are allowed and encouraged!
  • Any subtype from Sprout, Bug, Amphibian, Beast, Marine, Reptilian & Microbe are represented by fossil Terraliens. However for subtypes like microbes, they need to be encased within a solid material.
  • Flesh cannot be included within the fossil! It must strictly remain to bones, kertain or other solid remains! Additionally means of fossilization that require human intervention do not fall under this subtype and would still be classed as limited!
  • The fossils can be within liquid!

Fossil Terraliens are solely obtainable via Mod/Guest Artist designs or by applying a 'Amber Crypt' to a MYO Slot.

Fossil Information

Image Credit: civet

Fossil terraliens can be split into four individual categories depending on how the critter within their visor has become fossilized. These four Stages can be changed when redesigning via the 'Field Kit'  item. Any of the four stages can be chosen when designing a fossil terra.

Fossil Information

Image Credit: Peachepines

List of applicable traits:

  • Ears
  • Fur
  • Horns
  • Scales
  • Extra Limbs
  • Transparency
  • Micro
  • Macro
  • Fins
  • Exoskeleton
  • Spikes/Thorns
  • Stretched
  • Shrunken
  • Duplicated Parts
  • Multi Colored Visor
  • Bone Tail
  • Visor Decay
  • Fossilized Parts
1 subtype found.