
Plant Growth (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows for nearly every type of plant and/or fungi growth on a Terralien. 


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Plant growth upon initial addition can add a maximum of 3 different kinds of growth so long as they are of the same category; Either plant or fungi.
  • Plant growth cannot cover more than 50% of a Terralien on MYOs.
  • Plants can be fictional but they cannot be sentient. 
  • Plant growth can be any size, shape, and color.
  • Flower petals by themselves will be considered charms, not plant growth as they are not growing from anything and will be considered as sprinkle like objects.
  • Can have edible plants as growth but must resemble the plant it originates from to an extent. (Example: Corn kernels are not allowed, but corn cobs are)


  • Sprout
  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Jarred Sprout):

  • Marine
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Beast
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Horns (Basic)

Category: Basic

Pointed projections on a Terra's head of any size.


  • Horn colors are body colors. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added else one needs a betta brush when adding a new color alongside the trait. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Must be located on the Terralien's head. Anything that's hornlike on the body will be considered spikes.
  • Horns can be any shape, size, colour, and texture as long as it does not mimic any traits that are applicable to horns such as metallic parts. 
  • Horns can have one or two present. Anything above that quantity is considered Duplicated Parts.
  • Horns can be filled with different objects with specific traits. They can be filled with liquid with the Enhydro Horns trait. Alternatively they can also be of similar theme to the main terrarium with the Terrarium Horns trait.
  • Appendages can be added to horns freely when adding horns to a terra.


  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Reptilian
  • Beast
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil


  • Marine
  • Amphibian

Antenna (Basic)

Category: Basic

Extra sensors on the Terralien's head. 


  • This traits colors are considered body colors. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added else one needs a betta brush when adding a new color alongside the trait. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Antenna is able to be any shape, size, quantity, or color as long as they are on the Terralien's head and do not mimic certain traits listed below.
  • Antennas can resemble eyestalks with the Eyes on Body trait included with it.
  • Cannot mimic horns, spikes, tentacles. Can mimic the shape of ears as long as no canal is present.
  • Antenna cannot be on the visor glass, but they are able to be on the visor band itself and not be considered shaped band.


  • Bug
  • Marine
  • Edible
  • Synthetic

ITEM REQUIRED (Pincher Potion):

  • Sprout
  • Reptilian
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Goopy Skin (Basic)

Category: Basic

Wet texture covering the Terralien's skin.


  • This traits colors are considered body colors. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added else one needs a betta brush when adding a new color alongside the trait. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Can be stylized, but cannot resemble liquid body parts.
  • Goop coverage cannot be deeper than the surface of the Terralien's skin. If it is shown to be deeper than that it will be considered Elemental rather than goopy skin, but please take note Elemental is only for limited Terraliens.
  • Visor glass, horns, claws, spikes (depending if it is covered by skin) cannot be affected by this trait as they do not count as skin. Fur can be goopy, and so can head hair however it must not look like elemental.


  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Edible
  • Synthetic
  • Microbe


  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Beast
  • Reptilian
  • Fossil

Extra Limbs (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows extra sets of arms or legs, located on the Terralien's torso and waist.


  • This trait’s colors are considered body colors. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added else one needs a betta brush when adding a new color alongside the trait. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Can resemble insect limbs as well as be segmented.
  • To have a centaur body, one must have the stretched parts + extra limbs trait.
  • For a leg to be on the tail or replace the tail entirely, this will require an extra limb, as well as the misplaced parts trait.
  • To have arms/hands on the tail OR as a limb tail, you must need a mixture of a Pincher Potion and two Psych-shrooms to create a Living parts + Extra limbs + misplaced parts combo. This is due to arms providing advanced function.
  • Small insect-like "limbs" on the tail need not follow the above as they are classed as mandibles.
  • For limbs in unordinary locations, the misplaced parts trait is also required. (Extra arms on a terra's head for example.)


  • Bug
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

ITEM REQUIRED (Pincher Potion):

  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

Color Shift (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows certain parts of a Terralien to shift between colors.


  • Unless the Terralien's subspecies is limited , Reptilian, Amphibian and/or a Moderator Custom/Adopt that has above 50% coverage in the original design, Color shift cannot affect more than 50% of the body in redesigns.
  • Colorshift cannot affect more than 50% of the body for Sprout, Bug, Beast, Microbe, and Fossil types.
  • Colorshift can affect up to 100% of the body for Reptile, Amphibian, Synthetic, and Edible types.
  • Cannot change patterns on a Terra else be classified as moving patterns.
  • Must have the same amount of colors as the original palette else be classified as morphing.
  • Color shift cannot add colors to the base design, it can only change already existing colors as long as the original color is intact.  If another colour is present in a shift, then it is classed as morphing.
  • Color shift on the visor is considered multicolored visor, so you will require a when adding the trait to the visor.
  • A fallen tail is required per each individual palette. Subtypes that have access to this trait freely when designing only gain access to one free palette. Additionally, shifting freely between the spectrum of colors requires color shift and morphing.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

ITEM REQUIRED (Fallen Tail):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Hooves (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows a Terraliens feet and/or hands to be hooves. 


  • This traits color is considered a body color. The color of fur must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Hooves can vary in shape, size, color and texture.
  • They can be with or without the keratin/hoove capsule. Hooves can be shiny but cannot resemble metallic parts.
  • Hooves can be one or two points. They can be round or pointy. 


  • Beast
  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Horseshoe Beetle):

  • Reptilian
  • Amphibian
  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Spikes/Thorns (Basic)

Category: Basic

Spikes can vary in location, shape, size, and texture.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Spikes can be found in most anywhere on the body including but not limited to: the exoskeleton, tail, visor band, visor sensors (with the shaped sensors trait present) and more.
  • Cannot mimic horns or any other trait such as horns, charms, metallic parts, or exoskeleton without the other trait present.
  • Small unsegmented limbs that resemble that of an insect present on the body, most commonly the tail, will be considered spikes rather than extra limbs depending on how it is executed.


  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Bug
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil


  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast

Wings (Basic)

Category: Basic

Can resemble that of a bird, dragon, bat, bug, etc. Varies in shape, quantity, placement, and size. 


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Monstera bat must be used regardless of the subtype if the amount of wings exceeds 2 pairs.
  • If the wings have feathers or fins, this will not be counted as their respective traits unless if found anywhere else on the body. Wings do not add any other trait onto the body.
  • Wings can be retractable from within an exoskeleton or a shell as long as the wings are shown in a separate image.


  • Beast
  • Bug
  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Monstera Bat):

  • Sprout
  • Reptilian
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Glitter (Basic)

Category: Basic

Adds glitter parts anywhere on the Terralien. 


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Cannot mimic bioluminescence.


  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Trinket Orb):

  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Fossil

Glitter Guide

Guide Credit: Decaf

Bioluminescence (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows parts of a Terralien to glow. 


  • Unless the Terralien's subspecies is limited , Reptile, Amphibian, and/or a Moderator Custom/Adopt that has above 50% coverage in the original design, Bioluminescence cannot affect more than 50% of the body in redesigns.
  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Bioluminescence can affect the visor.
  • Cannot mimic charms or glitter. Can be added to those, however.
  • Bioluminescence cannot cover more than 50% of the body for Sprout, Bug, Beast, Microbe, and Fossil types.
  • Bioluminescence can cover up to 100% of the body for Reptile, Amphibian, Synthetic, and Edible types.
  • Bioluminescence can be used to make the critter glow as well as the terra.


  • Marine
  • Sprout
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe

ITEM REQUIRED (Fallen Tail):

  • Reptilian
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Bug
  • Fossil

Bioluminescence Guide

Guide Credit: Leirofir
Masterlist Image Guide HERE (Link)!

Stretched Parts (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes part of a Terralien's body larged/longer than average. Can effect the neck, claws ,wings, limbs, ears, horns, hood, and tails.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  •  Note that if the tail is visually bigger than the terralien it would also be considered stretched.
  • Hoods can be longer or bigger when applied with this trait, usually something like a hood with a tall point that reaches the terra's upper torso will be considered a stretched hood.
  • Ears and horns must be bigger than the terralien's head to classify as stretched parts.
  • Claws must be at least twice or more than the size of their paws to classify as stretched, or, they can act as fingers instead.
  • Can make the torso stretched as long as the height does not exceed 6ft, as that would require the macro trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil


  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

Shrunken/Stretched/Micro/Macro Guide

Guide Credit: CakeBird

Shaped Visor (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Terralien

Allows a Terralien's visor shape to differ from the norm.


  • This traits colors are categorized as tank color. This trait's colors must only be derived from the visor glass's color and nowhere else.
  • Does not need to resemble one of the visor shapes in the guide*
  • Cannot resemble things such as mouthes or eyes unless the Terralien belongs to the limited rarity.
  • "Shaped visors" differ from the norm due to a lack of a snout and/or exaggerated features/additions to the typical visor shape.
  • The shaped visor trait can be combined with the horn trait. 
  • Certain types of shaped visors are limited to specific subtype(s).

*Guide is still in the works.*


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

Bugs can also be given certain shaped visor types via the mandibles trait (located on the future guide) without an item. Other visor types will still require an item even if a bug Terra has mandibles on their visor.

ITEM REQUIRED (<a href=Dream Dust):  

  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Bug
  • Fossil

Legless (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Removes any presence of legs on a Terralien


  • Requires aPincher Potion to reverse if the trait is present on the original design.
  • Does not affect arms.
  • A Terralien can have both the 'armless' and 'legless' trait for a snake like appearance.
  • Amputated legs (part of leg being still present) does not require the trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED: (Silk Wyrm Silk Wyrm)

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Armless (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Removes any presence of arms on a Terralien


  • Requires aPincher Potion to reverse if the trait is present on the original design.
  • Does not affect legs.
  • A Terralien can have both the 'armless' and 'legless' trait for a snake like appearance.
  • Amputated arms (part of arm/shoulder being still present) does not require the trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED: (Silk Wyrm Silk Wyrm)

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Moving Patterns (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows markings/patterns to shift in appearance/size.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Cannot add/remove colors on a Terralien.  Must have the same amount of colors as the original palette else be classified as morphing.
  • Can be paired with color shift but must follow color shift rules.
  • Markings cannot disappear entirely.
  • Does not require to be shown on the masterlist image.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom):

  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Mouths on Body (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Adds mouths to a Terralien's body.


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Cannot be located on the visor/visor band.
  • Mouths can resemble any orifice and do not need teeth. 


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-Shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Mouths on Body Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Macro (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes your Terralien longer/larger than average (over 6 feet).


  • Macro makes the terra significantly taller.
  • To make a terra's torso elongated would require stretched parts.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Fossil


  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian


  • Microbe

Shrunken/Stretched/Micro/Macro Guide

Guide Credit: CakeBird

Micro (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes your Terralien smaller the average (under 1 foot).


  • Edible
  • Synthetic
  • Microbe
  • Fossil


  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

Shrunken/Stretched/Micro/Macro Guide

Guide Credit: CakeBird

Living Parts (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Adds sentient parts to your terralien.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Can resemble things such as snakes, limbs, and more. 
  • For living parts that do not resemble animals but have mouths, eyes or other body parts they must have the respective traits, mouths on body or eyes on body or misplaced parts.
  • Limb parts can resemble hands/arms such as a tail being a hand when paired with the misplaced parts trait. This does not mean that prehensile tails fall under this trait.
  • For additional limbs that stem from the same part of the body this would be considered extra limbs not living parts. For additional limbs that stem from elsewhere on the body than the original limbs, it would be extra limbs and misplaced parts.
  • To create a limb tail, you must need a pincher potion and two psych-shrooms to create one. 
  • Can be paired with tail specific traits to create sentient tails of each variant. 


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-Shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Living Parts Guide

Guide Credit: Peachepines
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