
Enhydro Horns/Claws (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows horns and claws to be filled with liquid.


  • Outside of the outside horn/claw's colors, which count as a body trait: the liquid's colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • On the pretense that the visor's content is not primarily comprised of charmlike material,  glitter and charms can be added with a  otherwise, any other accessories such as plant growth, dirt, etc. will be counted as Terrarium Horns/Claws  including if the contents are still composed mainly of water as in the case of lily pads.
  • Both horns and claws can be freely swapped between when redesigning as long as one remains, additionally only one enhydro claw is required to apply both enhydro horns and claws.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Enhydro Claw):

  • Bug
  • Microbe
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Fossil

Enhydro/Terrarium Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Terrarium Horns/Claws (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Turns a Terralien's horns or claws into a terrarium. 


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Horns or claws must represent the theme of the visor (example: the same plants/coloration/organisms).
  • Horns or claws with only liquid found inside without any other additional traits that resemble the main terrarium face of the terra will be considered enhydro horns, NOT Terrarium horns.
  • Horns or claws may have multiple colors but it does not affect the color of the visor.
  • Both horns and claws can be freely swapped between when redesigning as long as one remains, additionally only one jarred sprout is required to apply both terrarium horns and claws.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Jarred Sprout):

  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Enhydro/Terrarium Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Shaped Paw Pads (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes the paw pads of a Terralien shaped. Can resemble shapes such as stars, moons, squares, etc.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Any sort of pawpad found in the wild such as possum paws and cat paws do not need this trait. Circular paws and heart shaped paws don't either unless if the "beans" themselves are heart shaped.
  • Paw pads cannot be present in hooves.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom):

  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Tail-less (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Completely removes a tail from a Terralien.


  • N/A


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Shrunken Parts (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes part of a Terralien's body smaller than average. Can effect the neck, limbs, and other traits.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Parts that are disproprtionately and noticeably small compared to the rest of the body may be considered shrunken, so please keep this in mind.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil


  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

Shrunken/Stretched/Micro/Macro Guide

Guide Credit: CakeBird

Multi-Colored Visor (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Makes the visor glass on a Terralien multiple colors. 


  • This traits colors are categorized as tank color. This trait's colors must only be derived from the visor glass's color and nowhere else.
  • When first initially applying this trait, you can have as many colors as you wish, however any colors added after the uploaded design will need an inky leaf per color.
  • Can be paired with color shift to have shifting colors on the visor. 
    • For the color shift trait itself, you will only need one fallen tail. However, for the additional colors you will need one Inky Leaf per color.
  • Multicolored visor must be have a noticeable enough color range in the visor. Please note that coloring and shading will affect this, as heavy shading will look like multicolor visor at some points.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom ):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Marine

Duplicated Parts (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Adds multiple sets of ears, horns, OR tails. Can add extra heads for limited terraliens only.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • For tails, duplicated parts can be achieved with a mixture of a psych-shroom + a pincher potion. The first additional tail will require a psych-shroom, however any additional ones will require pincher potions instead. Ears and horns can only be duplicated by using a psych-shroom itself and require one per each additional pair.
    Duplicated parts must stem from the same origin point as the original parts (ears from the head, tails from the tailbone, etc.) or require the misplaced parts trait.
  • FOR LIMITEDS: The terrarium on the extra head must have a similar theme to the other.  The organisms in both visors must have the same subtype as well.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-Shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Reptilian
  • Marine

Duplicated Parts Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Eyes on Body (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows eyes to be present anywhere on the body.


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Cannot be located on the visor, visor band, or sensors.
  • Eyes are able to be pupil-less as long as it is still recognizable as an eye.
  • Eyes can be present on the tail or hood as long as it does not have sentience separate from the Terralien itself.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-Shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Eyes on Body Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Misplaced Parts (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows for limbs of a terra to grow from unusual locations.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Allows original parts and limbs to be moved to different locations of the body or additional parts to be moved when combined with duplicated parts, or extra limbs as needed.
  • Only limited terraliens can have misplaced heads.
  • Does not affect the wings trait which can be freely placed.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-Shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Metallic Shimmer (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows parts of a Terralien to shimmer like metal, crystals, or gems.


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • This trait can affect a Terralien's horns, claws, pawpads, flesh, and visor sensors. This trait also affects other traits: Scales and spikes.
  • This trait is intended for highlights, accents, or markings on a Terralien, so while there is no specific coverage percentage, this trait cannot take up a majority of the body, or make up major body parts.
  • Cannot mimic other traits, such as glitter, charms, or spikes. Metallic or shiny looking charms do not need this trait and are simply considered charms.
  • If the Terralien's subspecies is limited, this trait can affect any part of the body.
  • Cannot mimic other traits such as glitter, charms, or spikes. Charms despite being metallic do not need this trait. 
  • Areas effected by metallic parts must remain smooth or similar to the original texture of the section that it is being applied to. For areas that are harsh or rough material, that requires the fossilized parts or elemental trait instead.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Crystal Conch):

  • Sprout
  • Microbe
  • Bug
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Fossil

Metallic Shimmer Guide

Guide Credit: Gamzyeet

Charms (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Adds sprinkle-like objects on the Terralien, such as stars, stones, beads, etc. 


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Cannot mimic glitter but can have glitter added onto the charms.
  • Bioluminescent objects must have the bioluminescent trait.
  • Charms can mimic stitches as long as it is drawn staple-like and have no other indication that it is material parts, such as it's texture or have some sort of cotton coming out of a Terralien, or dig under the surface of a terra's skin.
  • Can only be on the surface level of the Terralien's skin, they cannot be found inside the visor. Excluding horns with enhydro or terrarium horns trait, this trait cannot be found inside the Terralien without terrarium parts.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Trinket Orb):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Reptilian
  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Charms Guide

Guide Credit: Lillytiger33

Shaped Sensors/Band (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Changes the standard circular or square shape of the sensors to something more unique. Is also applicable to visor bands.


  • These colors are strictly found within the visor band and sensors. Colors from anywhere else outside of the visor band cannot be added without the inky leaf item.
  • Regular visor band shape is either concave or shaped like a widow's peak. Anything else beyond those shapes will be considered shaped sensors, such as a zigzag or wavy band.
  • Spikes or any other protuding shape to the regular circular or square sensor will be considered shaped sensors.
  • However, the band is much more free with additional shapes. The band can have spikes, horns, antennas and charms without being considered shaped sensors.
  • Can be paired with the metallic parts trait to have a visor band or sensors made out of metal.
  • Can be paired with the plant growth trait to have a visor band or sensors made out of plant related material. 
  • Other materials excluding plastic require the material parts trait. 


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Reptilian
  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Enhydro Sensors (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Allows the sensors to have liquid within them.


  • Excluding the outer rim of the sensor's colors, which count as a body trait: the liquid's colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • The liquid container itself must remain flat to the rest of the sensor and band. If wanting to have the liquid container to be three dimensional, it needs to be paired with a psychshroom for the shaped sensors trait.
  • There must remain an outer rim to the sensor, if there is not it needs to be paired with a psychshroom for the shaped sensors trait.
  • On the pretense that the visor's content is not primarily comprised of charmlike material, glitter and charms can be added with a otherwise, any other accessories such as plant growth, dirt, etc. will be counted as Terrarium Sensors, even if the contents are still composed mainly of water as in the case with lily pads.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Enhydro Claw ):

  • Bug
  • Microbe
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Marine
  • Fossil

Enhydro/Terrarium Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Terrarium Sensors (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Turns a Terralien's sensors into a terrarium. 


  • Excluding the outter rim of the sensor's colors, which count as a body trait: the terrarium's colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • The container itself must remain flat to the rest of the sensor and band. If wanting to have the container to be three dimensional, it needs to be paired with a psychshroom for the shaped sensors trait.
  • There must remain an outer rim to the sensor, if there is not it needs to be paired with a psychshroom for the shaped sensors trait.
  • Sensors must represent the theme of the visor (example: the same plants/coloration/organisms).
  • Sensors with only liquid found inside without any other additional traits that resemble the main terrarium face of the terra will be considered enhydro sensors, NOT Terrarium sensors.
  • Sensors may have multiple colors but it does not affect the color of the visor.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Jarred Sprout):

  • Sprout
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

Enhydro/Terrarium Guide

Guide Credit: Bones

Visor Decay (Modified)

Category: Exclusives

Allows for decay to seep around a Terra’s visor.


  • The trait can only cover up to 30% of a Terra’s visor, and the critter must remain visible.
  • The visor decay cannot mimic eyes or a mouth.
  • Also grants the ‘Multi-colored visor’ trait.


  • Fossil

Not applicable to other subspecies.

Subtype Specific Visual Guide

Guide Credit: Lillytiger33

Bone Tail (Modified)

Category: Exclusives

A tail constructed of connected bones.


  • The tail must be relevant to the critter found within Terra's visor.
  • The bones within the tail must be connected, otherwise they will require the floating parts trait.


  • Fossil
  • Edible
  • Synthetic

Not applicable to other subspecies.

Subtype Specific Visual Guide

Guide Credit: Lillytiger33

Screen Visor (Limited)

Category: Exclusives

The classic terrarium visor is replaced with a screen.


  • Must have multicolor visor as a trait if multiple colors are present on the background of the screen.
  • Can have multiple eyes OR mouth, but not both.
  • Screens are able to shift between two screens or expressions without being considered morphing as long as the colors are the same. Screens changing color however will need the color shift trait.


  • Synthetic

Not applicable to other subspecies.

Fossilized Parts (Modified)

Category: Exclusives

Allows for large growths of stones, crystals, or gems to form across Terra's body.


  • This trait can affect any part of a Terra, excluding the visor.
  • This trait can affect 50% of a Terra.
  • This trait does not allow for metallic growths to form on a terralien.
  • Cannot mimic other traits such as glitter, charms, or spikes and will need to be paired with them. 
  • Fossilized growths are unkempt and not processed or clean, for smooth crystalized parts that fall under metallic parts as opposed to fossilized parts.
  • However you can create shaped crystals or rocks suck as horns as long as there is some indication of weathering, such as cracks or missing parts.


  • Fossil

Not applicable to other subspecies.

Subtype Specific Visual Guide

Guide Credit: Lillytiger33

Object Tails (Limited)

Category: Exclusives

A misc. category of tails that resemble things not seen on animal tails.


  • This traits colors are considered body colors. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added else one needs a betta brush when adding a new color alongside the trait. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Cannot resemble living tail without the trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

Not applicable to MYOs.

Material Parts (Limited)

Category: Exclusives

Makes parts of a Terralien a non-organic material, such as plastic, plush, and wood.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Cannot mimic elemental.
  • Can mimic clothing, however it must appear to be fused to the body & physically a part of the Terralien.
  • For non-limiteds, material parts can affect the limbs. It can fully affect the limbs, but cannot fully affect the torso. Maximum coverage of Material Parts on the design for non-limiteds is 50%. This trait shares maximum coverage with Terrarium Body on non-limited 
  • Replacing a terra’s tail entirely with material parts will fall under the object tail trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

Not applicable to MYOs.

75 results found.