
Shaped Visor (Mutation)

Category: Mutation
Species: Terralien

Allows a Terralien's visor shape to differ from the norm.


  • This traits colors are categorized as tank color. This trait's colors must only be derived from the visor glass's color and nowhere else.
  • Does not need to resemble one of the visor shapes in the guide*
  • Cannot resemble things such as mouthes or eyes unless the Terralien belongs to the limited rarity.
  • "Shaped visors" differ from the norm due to a lack of a snout and/or exaggerated features/additions to the typical visor shape.
  • The shaped visor trait can be combined with the horn trait. 
  • Certain types of shaped visors are limited to specific subtype(s).

*Guide is still in the works.*


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

Bugs can also be given certain shaped visor types via the mandibles trait (located on the future guide) without an item. Other visor types will still require an item even if a bug Terra has mandibles on their visor.

ITEM REQUIRED (<a href=Dream Dust):  

  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Bug
  • Fossil
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