
Shaped Sensors/Band (Mutation)

Category: Mutation

Changes the standard circular or square shape of the sensors to something more unique. Is also applicable to visor bands.


  • These colors are strictly found within the visor band and sensors. Colors from anywhere else outside of the visor band cannot be added without the inky leaf item.
  • Regular visor band shape is either concave or shaped like a widow's peak. Anything else beyond those shapes will be considered shaped sensors, such as a zigzag or wavy band.
  • Spikes or any other protuding shape to the regular circular or square sensor will be considered shaped sensors.
  • However, the band is much more free with additional shapes. The band can have spikes, horns, antennas and charms without being considered shaped sensors.
  • Can be paired with the metallic parts trait to have a visor band or sensors made out of metal.
  • Can be paired with the plant growth trait to have a visor band or sensors made out of plant related material. 
  • Other materials excluding plastic require the material parts trait. 


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Psych-shroom):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Reptilian
  • Marine
  • Microbe
  • Fossil
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