
Microbe Tail (Modified)

Category: Exclusives

A unique and transparent tail that is considered an extension of the visor terrarium.


  • The tail's appearance is similar to 'Terrarium Body,' but is ONLY applicable to the tail(s) of a Microbe Terralien. 
  • Organisms within the tail must also be present inside the visor.
  • Also grants the 'Transparency' trait.
  • Can be paired with the fin trait to have fins on the tail.
  • Allows a mouth similar to ‘visor mouth’ when combined with mouth on body trait. However if the mouth is towards the tip of the tail or mimics a sentient creature, it will require the living parts trait.


  • Microbe

Microbe Tail Visual Guide

Guide Credit: keldeosknight

Subtype Specific Visual Guide

Guide Credit: Lillytiger33
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