
Exoskeleton (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows a rough and hard exterior on some (or all) of the Terralien. 


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Exoskeleton can vary in shape and texture. The plates must be big enough to resemble the armored exterior of an insect. Exoskeleton can be treated like fur in which it is able to be a foundation for most traits such as having color shift, spikes, eyes, and more.
  • Exoskeleton cannot resemble a shell such as a turtle or hermit crab, or resemble clothing. Exoskeleton can resemble armor to a degree as long as it is still recognizable as an insectoid exoskeleton, otherwise it will be considered material parts.
  • Exoskeleton can have shine as long as it does not resemble metallic parts unless paired with the trait, similarly to add iridescence, a crystal conch is required.
  • Exoskeleton is able to look bone-like as long as it wraps around a certain part of a terra as a complement to the main body part. For limbs that are fully skeletal or pass as fully skeletal they will be considered fossilized parts.
  • Exoskeleton can be paired with Hooves to create mantis-like arms or legs.


  • Bug
  • Marine
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Reptilian
  • Fossil


  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast


Tentacles Guide

Guide Credit: keldeosknight
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