
Ears (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows protruding ears on a Terralien. 


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Can mimic any animal ear, and clearly displays some sort of opening to an ear canal. If there is no ear canal present it will be classified as antennae instead. Some exceptions may be given to those that aren't visible but show clear resemblance to a real animal ear such as floppy dog ears that may cover the canal.
  • 'Ear holes' (such as a reptile ear) do not require this trait.
  • Multiple ears require the duplicated parts trait.


  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Fossil

ITEM REQUIRED (Hare of Hearing):

  • Amphibian
  • Marine
  • Reptilian
  • Bug
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