
Plant Growth (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows for nearly every type of plant and/or fungi growth on a Terralien. 


  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Plant growth upon initial addition can add a maximum of 3 different kinds of growth so long as they are of the same category; Either plant or fungi.
  • Plant growth cannot cover more than 50% of a Terralien on MYOs.
  • Plants can be fictional but they cannot be sentient. 
  • Plant growth can be any size, shape, and color.
  • Flower petals by themselves will be considered charms, not plant growth as they are not growing from anything and will be considered as sprinkle like objects.
  • Can have edible plants as growth but must resemble the plant it originates from to an extent. (Example: Corn kernels are not allowed, but corn cobs are)


  • Sprout
  • Synthetic
  • Edible

ITEM REQUIRED (Jarred Sprout):

  • Marine
  • Bug
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Beast
  • Microbe
  • Fossil
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