
Material Parts (Limited)

Category: Exclusives

Makes parts of a Terralien a non-organic material, such as plastic, plush, and wood.


  • This trait color is considered a body color. The color of this trait must be derived from the terra's existing body palette if added. Colors cannot be derived from the visor contents.
  • Cannot mimic elemental.
  • Can mimic clothing, however it must appear to be fused to the body & physically a part of the Terralien.
  • For non-limiteds, material parts can affect the limbs. It can fully affect the limbs, but cannot fully affect the torso. Maximum coverage of Material Parts on the design for non-limiteds is 50%. This trait shares maximum coverage with Terrarium Body on non-limited 
  • Replacing a terra’s tail entirely with material parts will fall under the object tail trait.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible

Not applicable to MYOs.

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