
Iridescent Flesh/Markings (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows parts of a Terralien's body to be iridescent.


  • Unless the Terralien's subspecies isĀ limited , Marine, Bug, and/or a Moderator Custom/Adopt that has above 50% coverage in the original design, Iridescent Flesh/MarkingsĀ  cannot affect more than 50% of the body in redesigns.
  • This traits colors are considered trait colors. They are traits that, when added to a terra, add color by themselves. Their color can also be derived from the body but not vice versa. If wishing to add the same color as the trait to body colors, you must need a Betta Brush.
  • Iridescence cannot cover more than 50% of the body for Sprout, Beast, Amphibian, Reptile, Microbe, and Fossil types.
  • Iridescence can cover up to 100% of the body for Bug, Marine, Synthetic, and Edible types.
  • Iridescence cannot resemble metallic parts or glitter but can be added to metallic parts and vice versa.


  • Marine
  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Microbe
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian

ITEM REQUIRED ( Crystal Conch):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Beast
  • Fossil

Iridesence Guide

Guide Credit: keldeosknight
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