
Color Shift (Basic)

Category: Basic

Allows certain parts of a Terralien to shift between colors.


  • Unless the Terralien's subspecies is limited , Reptilian, Amphibian and/or a Moderator Custom/Adopt that has above 50% coverage in the original design, Color shift cannot affect more than 50% of the body in redesigns.
  • Colorshift cannot affect more than 50% of the body for Sprout, Bug, Beast, Microbe, and Fossil types.
  • Colorshift can affect up to 100% of the body for Reptile, Amphibian, Synthetic, and Edible types.
  • Cannot change patterns on a Terra else be classified as moving patterns.
  • Must have the same amount of colors as the original palette else be classified as morphing.
  • Color shift cannot add colors to the base design, it can only change already existing colors as long as the original color is intact.  If another colour is present in a shift, then it is classed as morphing.
  • Color shift on the visor is considered multicolored visor, so you will require a when adding the trait to the visor.
  • A fallen tail is required per each individual palette. Subtypes that have access to this trait freely when designing only gain access to one free palette. Additionally, shifting freely between the spectrum of colors requires color shift and morphing.


  • Synthetic
  • Edible
  • Marine
  • Reptilian

ITEM REQUIRED (Fallen Tail):

  • Bug
  • Sprout
  • Amphibian
  • Beast
  • Microbe
  • Fossil
1 result found.