
Appraised Value (Value)

Category: Information

This is additional value appraised onto a Terralien's Base Value - usually through commissioning artwork. This way, users can resell or voucher Terraliens for the amount that they have truly spent on one. If you see a Terralien being resold for a value higher than its Base Value or Appraised Value, be cautious when purchasing it! (Remember, vouchers can be double of a Terralien's Worth, but will always need to be approved by moderators with screenshot proof!)

Non-Voucherable (Value)

Category: Information

This Terralien is unable to be vouchered, unless it has an added Appraised Value!

Permanently Account Bound (Value)

Category: Information

Terraliens with this are permanently bound to the owners account and unable to be transferred for any reasons

VOIDED (Basic)

Category: Information

Terraliens with this tag have been voided! They can be Unvoided via purchasing a ticket in the Unvoiding Shop!

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