<a href="https://terraliens.org/world/items?name=Frost-Whisper Bell" class="display-item">Frost-Whisper Bell</a>

Frost-Whisper Bell

Category: Forageables

Artist: karma

Resale Value: 25 Grubsprout

The solemn ring of the Frost-Whisper Bell bellows out over the people of nowhere. Many of these bells are rugged from many years of exposure to the harsh cold, yet it's soft tune still plays. The bells were originally instated around the outer skirts of the ravine to warn people they were getting far too close for comfort, though over the years it's sound becoming associated with the solitary land. The harsh wind is enough to keep it blowing, though sometimes those breezes carry the bells away, thus it's not too uncommon for them to end up down the ravine they were attempting to forewarn terras of.