Submission (#6284) Approved

16 September 2024, 17:00:30 UTC (3 days ago)
18 September 2024, 16:48:56 UTC (1 day ago) by comforthour


Juice's worries about the UFO in the sky had been put to bed, and now he was in the presence of two of the most amazing Terras he'd ever seen. Lydia was standing at a workbench, looking over the materials that were needed to make this forgotten relic they called an Astrohedron, the strange core that created the planetary Terras. Juice and Junior were watching Lydia intently as she moved things around along the tabletop. She would slowly glance up at them, then quickly back down. This continued for around 10 minutes before she stopped and then planted her hands on the table. She starred at the younger boys and they starred back at her.

"Now will you two stop starring at me! It's making it hard to work."
Lydia told them and Junior didn't care and kept starring. Juice glanced over at his new friend, then back to Lydia to continue starring, but this time more nervously.
"I see how it is... Okay, you boys wanna help me?"
She asked with a newfound joyful tone in her voice.

The two younger Terras yelled out. Juice danced excitedly about.

"Okay, you two wait right there."
Lydia said as she grabbed a writing utensil and a piece of paper. She started writing an organized list of common items fround around Terrah. Then once she was done she walked around and handed the paper out to Juice. He took it, and then looked down at the list. Seeing that it was a list of things he all knew about. Pincher Potion, Gummy Eye, Betta Brush and a few others. It was all things he'd seen before.

"Listen up you two, I need you to go out and collect me one of each of these items, okay? When you get them come back, and stick together. Don't lose eachother out there in the Wasteland."
She told them, Junior was walking up behind Juice to peer over his shoulder at the list. He didn't know a lot of these items as he was new around here, but he trusted his new friend to lead them through the wilderness!

The two younger terras set off. Juice read over the list a few times to get familiar with the items they would need to get before going back to the satellite station where Lydia and Junior lived.

"The first one should be easy! It's a Hoofshoe Beetle, I see those guys everywhere where I live."
Juice told Junior as they walked along the path that headed towards a more grassy clear area. Once there the two searched around for the sight of one of the beetles, looking through the tall grass, under brush, until finally Junior yelled out.
Juice's ears twitched softly as he turned and darted over to where Juinor was, he looked at the Hoofshoe Beetle and his tail wagged. The two missed it the first time, chasing it down and finally catching it. One item off the list! The rest of the day the two spent their time running around outside and getting the items that Lydia had told them to get. Once they had gathered them all they started to head back to the satellite station with their treasures.


Reward Amount
Pearl of the Cosmos 1
Pupa Seed 35


Thumbnail for TERRA-1359: Juice

TERRA-1359: Juice

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for NPC-2999: Lydia

NPC-2999: Lydia

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for NPC-3000: Junior

NPC-3000: Junior

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

EchoTheRatKing's Bank

Currency Quantity