Submission (#6259) Approved

15 September 2024, 21:51:14 UTC (4 days ago)
18 September 2024, 11:55:32 UTC (1 day ago) by keldeosknight


The control room hummed with a soft, rhythmic pulse, illuminated by the blue glow of holographic displays scattered across the metallic walls. Lydia stood at the central terminal, her non-existent eyes scanning a series of complex diagrams projected in front of her. The designs of planetary terras flickered in and out of focus—vast landscapes, swirling atmospheres, and glowing cores suspended in the air like small, contained universes. She frowned, deep in concentration, her fingers flying over the controls.

Sparkle entered the room quietly, the sound of their paws echo against the steel floor. They paused, taking in the sight of Lydia, who seemed consumed by the data in front of her. It wasn’t unusual for Lydia to be so absorbed in her work—she always had multiple projects running at once, each one more complex than the last. Sparkle admired her brilliance, though they knew better than to disturb her when she was in one of her "moods."

Finally, Lydia spoke, her voice cutting through the low hum of the machines. "You’re just in time." She didn’t look up, but her tone carried the weight of urgency. "We have a problem—and as usual, I could use an extra pair of hands."

Sparkle stepped closer, curiosity flickering in their gaze. "What’s the task this time?"

Lydia’s fingers danced over the terminal, and a large holographic image appeared before them, rotating slowly in the air. It was a detailed blueprint of what seemed to be the core of a planetary terra, its center pulsating with strange, vibrant energy. Colors swirled within the core—blues, greens, and hues that didn’t even have names, creating a mesmerizing, almost hypnotic display.

"In order to create the terras, we need to produce something called a strange core," Lydia explained, her voice slipping into the measured cadence of someone who had spent years perfecting her craft. She gestured toward the floating blueprint, zooming in on the intricate patterns etched into the core’s surface. "This core is the foundation of everything we’ll build. Without it, nothing else matters. No land, no atmosphere, no life. Just emptiness."

Sparkle studied the core’s design, their mind already racing with possibilities. "What’s my role in this?"

Lydia sighed, clearly weary from the enormity of the task. She flicked through a series of screens, each one showing a different problem, a different challenge that needed solving. "There are a few ways you could help." She swiped her hand across the air, and the image shifted to show an asteroid field, jagged rocks floating in the void of space. "Option one: gather the resources I need to build the core. There’s an asteroid belt nearby, filled with rare metals and materials we can’t find anywhere else. But it’s dangerous. Some of the asteroids are unstable, and I need precision. One wrong move, and we lose everything."

She paused, then continued, flipping to another screen that displayed a damaged satellite in orbit around a distant planet. Its exterior was battered, wires sparking, panels hanging loose as it drifted aimlessly in the vast expanse. "Option two: help me restore my satellite. It’s been malfunctioning for days now. Without it, I can’t monitor the progress of the terras or the astrohedrons. I need someone to get up there, repair the damage, and recalibrate the systems. It’s not glamorous, but it’s vital."

Lydia finally looked up at Sparkle , a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Or, if you’re feeling particularly bold..." She zoomed in on the strange core, highlighting its most delicate components. "You could try crafting the core yourself. It’s no easy task, believe me. I’ve seen people fail spectacularly. But you’re capable. If you think you can handle it, I’ll give you the blueprints, and you can give it a shot."

Sparkle raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the challenge. "Crafting a strange core, huh? Sounds risky."

Lydia’s smirk grew. "It is. But the payoff could be huge. If we pull this off, we’ll be able to create whole worlds, terraform planets, build ecosystems. The possibilities are endless."

Just as Sparkle was about to respond, Lydia’s expression shifted, becoming more serious. She hesitated, clearly reluctant to bring up whatever was on her mind next. "One more thing..." she said with a heavy sigh. "Junior."

Sparkle stifled a laugh. "Your sibling? What about him?"

Lydia rolled her eyes and leaned back against the terminal, clearly exasperated. "Junior’s been driving me up the wall. He’s obsessed with that silly playfair, and when he’s not there, he’s hanging around here, distracting me. I don’t have time for his nonsense right now, not with the astrohedrons and the core to worry about. He needs... enrichment, I guess." She crossed her arms. "If you could help keep him occupied, maybe take him to the playfair or teach him something useful, I’d be forever grateful. It’s not exactly glamorous work, but trust me, it’s important."

Sparkle chuckled, shaking their head. "So my options are gathering dangerous resources, fixing a malfunctioning satellite, attempting to create a mysterious and probably explosive core, or babysitting Junior?"

Lydia gave a wry smile. "Pretty much. Whatever you choose, just make sure it keeps this operation running smoothly. I have too much at stake right now to deal with any more distractions."

Sparkle glanced between the holographic displays, each task presenting its own unique set of challenges—and dangers. They could feel the weight of the decision settling on their shoulders, but there was no fear, only a sense of determination. They were used to tough choices, after all.

"Gather resources, restore a satellite, make the core, or babysit Junior..." Sparkle mused aloud, crossing their arms. "I guess the real question is, where can I do the most good?"

Lydia gave them a knowing look, her eyes gleaming with the confidence of someone who trusted them completely. "Whatever you decide, just remember—you’re capable of more than you think."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the low hum of the machines now echoing louder in the background, as if the universe itself was waiting for Sparkle to make their choice.

And with a final nod, Sparkle stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead.


Reward Amount
Pearl of the Cosmos 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-2869: Sparkle

TERRA-2869: Sparkle

Reward Amount


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