Submission (#6257) Approved

15 September 2024, 21:25:12 UTC (3 days ago)
18 September 2024, 11:52:26 UTC (1 day ago) by keldeosknight


Written Entry:
Damn it, that’s the third time this week! Crumble thought to himself. Three different nights.. Three different critters, all stolen. Or, well, that’s what he thought anyway. But no terra in their right mind would come into his own home and steal his beloved Irradiabranchs and Goobugs. Anyone nearby knew he had a passion for taking care of these little creatures, and he protected them with everything he had. They even had their own little terrariums and miniature name plates. And now three of them are gone! Crumble huffed as he went to pass by the window seal of his little burrow. It was his only source of light during the day and night.. But then he noticed something. There wasn’t any moonlight streaming in through the window. And he made SURE to build that window so the light could filter throughout his home. So now what was going on? Crumble huffed to himself, and stomped over to the doorway of his little burrow. He shoved the door open, stuck out his head and- he stopped. What in the hell was that? He slowly and cautiously stepped out into the forest environment around him. His head slowly turned upward to the sky, staring up at the seemingly humongous object that was blocking the moon. Crumble didn’t know what to think. It was nothing like he had ever seen before There were flashing lights that shone from the bottom of the.. Craft? It was silvery and shiny, with the moon backlighting the object. It would have been beautiful.. If not for the terrifying realization that Crumble had made. Was this what had been taking his beloved critters? If so, what on Terrah was controlling it? Was it sentient? Just a vessel for something.. Worse? Crumble shook his head vigorously, chasing these thoughts out of his mind. He couldn’t just stand there and watch.. He needed to get away from this thing! Crumble turned on his heel, and quickly scurried back into the little burrow he called home. As he slammed the door shut, he heard a loud whoosh. Peeking out of his little, perfectly placed window, he watched as the object MOVED? He couldn’t watch this anymore. His nerves were starting to get to him. Crumble grabbed the shutters and slammed them shut, locking them with a silvery latch on the inside of his home. Crumble slowly backed away from the window, waiting for the worst. But there was nothing but.. Silence. And it stayed that way throughout the rest of the night. But Crumble knew something was up.. And he would stop at nothing to find out where his little critters went.


Reward Amount
Twinkle Twinkle Little Jar 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-2746: Crumble

TERRA-2746: Crumble

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

cameroni's Bank

Currency Quantity