Submission (#6191) Approved

7 September 2024, 02:14:18 UTC (1 week ago)
7 September 2024, 12:38:57 UTC (1 week ago) by keldeosknight


Upon reading an article about the recent spaceship sightings seen across Terrah, Paramecium sat atop the highest mountain they could physically climb, trying their best to spot one of them for themselves. Although they knew they weren’t able to get to the highest peaks, only ending up on a tiny ledge just a bit above ground level, they sat and sat, waiting for hours. Eventually, when the sky had just begun to go dark, they caught a blip of something passing above, quickly rushing through the sky leaving a mysterious trail of blue light beneath it. Frantically, they tried their best to chase it down, dizzying themself as they used all of the energy in their body. Despite their wishes, they knew they had to take a break, and jumped onto a fallen log to calm down; however, they immediately got up after seeing a glimmer of something from within the forest. Paramecium sprung up, suddenly full of vigor once again, and trekked further into the woods, towards the mysterious light. As they got closer and closer, larger clusters of strange plants seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. In the days prior, there were only a few ‘invasive’ plants, as they’d chosen to denounce them, however now it seemed they were littered everywhere, and it clearly had some connection to the strange light they’d spotted. They finally stood within eyesight of the light and hid in a bush close to it before approaching further. Squinting, trying to make out the environment around it, and where the light had been emanating from, they noticed there was not a Terra in sight. Nor were there any loose pets, or local creatures that were typical for the area. Focusing in on the light, they realized it to be the ‘spaceship’ they saw earlier, crashed in the forest. In the article they’d read, they heard about other Terras who dared to approach something similar being turned back due to the noise being emitted from the ship, but they were very drawn to it, and weren’t going to let a sound make them turn away from the opportunity they’d been waiting for. They pushed the leaves of the bush away and began to walk towards it, quickly, the light became blinding and they had to hold their paws up to their ears to try to drown it out. They saw piles of items, all neatly sorted, surrounding what they believed to be the entrance to the spaceship. Making an attempt to enter it, the ringing of their ears became too loud for them to bear, so they hastily grabbed a few items and brought them back to Terra’s who’d complained about losing them days prior. After going back and forth collecting and returning items for hours at a time, usually only one to three items depending on what they were, they felt drained. Their head hurt, they were exhausted, so they quickly found a safe spot and got the rest they needed from their constant running around. Upon awakening, however, they seemingly forgot it happened at all. Perhaps it was all a dream in the end.. or possibly just the exhaustion leading to some sort of mental fog. Or maybe something that they’d come into contact with had managed to alter their memories. The following day, people thanked Paramecium for managing to retrieve their items, but Paramecium had no idea what they were talking about. Nor do they even remember the existence of the spaceship sightings they had sought out to see just a day earlier.


Reward Amount
Twinkle Twinkle Little Jar 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-2795: Paramecium

TERRA-2795: Paramecium

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

BIOS's Bank

Currency Quantity