Submission (#6188) Approved

6 September 2024, 17:00:58 UTC (1 week ago)
7 September 2024, 12:37:49 UTC (1 week ago) by keldeosknight


Written Entry:
The blinding rays of the moon cast themselves down onto the leaves of the Lush Forest, draping a soft glow across the entire terrain. It was far calmer than the scorching rays of the sun that barraged Vanellope when she opened her eyes. But, that was the first thing that seemed off. She wasn’t one to wake up during the middle of the night.. Far from it. Yet something had driven her up from her slumber. Vanellope could have just fallen back asleep. But there was something off.. Something didn’t feel right. So, what better thing to do than to investigate it herself.

Vanellope pulled the warm, woven blanket she slept under to the side. The windows to her small, humble nook were open. That wasn’t alarming in the slightest, since Vanellope routinely left them open at night to view the scenery as she fell asleep. So, that wasn’t the problem. She looked around the small cove, spotting her much smaller companions all piled up on top of each other. Well, two of them. Carnation slept a few feet away from the others, her pink fur smooth and pristine. She must have brushed it before she went to bed. Skye and Saffron were, of course, snuggling as they slept. It wasn't atypical. Saffron wasn’t particularly fond of the dark, and nor was Skye. So that also checked out.

Then what was the problem? Vanellope didn’t think there was one anymore. But as she turned, she saw it. The door. The small, quite colorful door to her home was.. Open? Vanellope quickly dashed to the door to shut it. Several of her stars and shimmers radiated a brighter light, allowing her to see why the door was ajar. And it wasn’t what she had expected.

A small bulb was inside of her doorway. A small, round bulb with jagged looking edges.. Connected to a sea of vines and leaves. Vanellope stumbled back from the shock. This had not been here when she had gone to bed. She made sure all of her plants were well maintained.. And her plants didn’t grow as fast as these! Whatever they were.. They were a nuisance. She had to get rid of them. Vanellope snatched a broom from the corner of the room, careful to make sure her companions were not disturbed. With a single brush, she swatted the bulb and the vines out of her doorway, and back into the wilderness. This would have to do for now. Vanellope was still incredibly tired. And with that, the exhausted Terralien headed back to her bed. She smoothed the blanket back over her body, and turned to her side with just a few thoughts left. How had a plant managed to unlock the door..? And why did it look like it had a mouth..


Reward Amount
Crystallized Debris 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-2762: Vanellope

TERRA-2762: Vanellope

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

cameroni's Bank

Currency Quantity