Submission (#5747) Approved

31 July 2024, 08:32:44 UTC (1 month ago)
2 August 2024, 10:43:53 UTC (1 month ago) by keldeosknight


Jingle and jangles where on live television when the solar flare hit. They only got into three minutes of their routine before the electronics stoped working.

They decided if they can’t do it on tv they’re gonna do it live in person for people so they start packing up there equipment to go back to there circus home. They put up fliers all over to get some attention. They can’t lose a days work today or they won’t have any money to pay rent for the circus. They finally put out all the equipment and in thirty minutes it’s starting time.

When thirty minutes showed no one was there they wondered why. So they walk outside the tent and seen a huge crowd of people that couldn’t get in because they only had credit cards. They asked if they had money but they didn’t so they wrote down each and every person card info and how much they owed. They were in business. Everyone was happy they can see them live and have something to do today with the power being down.

While everyone was getting to there seats they grabbed a complimentary bag of popcorn and a bag of nuts. Jingle and jangle got out on the main stage and balanced on a ball while juggling balls at eachother. The crowd was going wild but then jangle fell. Jangle thought everyone was gonna be mad at him for falling but he got back up and everyone started cheering. They all yelled you got this. It made jangle really happy they finished that and the last and final trick was on its way.

The Trapeze was the hardest thing they done. They start from each side and jangle let go of the bar and jingle caught him. The crowd went wild. Jangle did a few flips in the air and landed. The crowd was throwing roses and other sorts of flowers.

Jingle and jangle where so happy they thanked everyone for coming to there show and said they can’t wait to do this again. They handed out coupons to the people that went for next time. Jingle and jangle picked up the flowers and started to put them in vases all around the circus.

They start to clean all around the circus. This day went better than they thought it would and they had enough money for this month rent on the circus and even next years rent.


Reward Amount
Unidentified Fallen Object 1
Pupa Seed 25



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