Submission (#5684) Approved

28 July 2024, 12:13:46 UTC (1 month ago)
2 August 2024, 04:31:22 UTC (1 month ago) by Leirofir


“AUGH!” Vinyl shouted. “MY PHONE IS DOWN! OH MY LORD. SO IS THE TV! Luxor, help me!”
Luxor sighed. The Solar Flare was taking out all the electronics, and to their horror, Vinyl happened to live on their phone. There was no way Luxor was making it out of this.
“Play a board game, go outside,” Luxor offered.
“But, there are bugs outside! And it’s super hot! Also humid! I’m gonna die out there!” Vinyl cried, clinging onto Luxor’s leg.
“Then just read a book?” Luxor sighed, prying Vinyl off their leg, as Vinyl complained about how awful their life was going to be without being able to use their electronics.
“All my games, my phone, my TV shows-” Vinyl ranted. “Stupid Solar Flare! I hate it! It sucks!”
“Well, you’ll have to suck it up then,” Luxor pulled out a game of Uno from the cabinet. “Wanna play?”
Vinyl groans, dragging themself to the couch, before flopping on. “How much longer is this Solar Flare gonna lasstttt?!” they groaned miserably.
“I don’t know- this might be good for you.” Luxor shrugs. “You’re basically living on your electronics. Think of this as… I don’t know, something different for a change.”
“I can’t believe you can stand this- my games! Oh, I already miss playing my games…” Vinyl complains. “Jeez, I just got a new phone too! I don’t even get the chance to use it! Ugh!”
Luxor sighs, getting ice cream bars for the both of them, handing one to Vinyl. Vinyl angrily munches on the ice cream, while Luxor takes their time.
“It’s so hot outside too!” Vinyl adds, complaining between bites. They angrily chew on the ice cream.
“Oh come on, you can go to the beach then,” Luxor shrugs.
“The beach? No. The beach is full of screaming children, the water is nasty, I mean, so many people are in it, who knows what germs they have, the sand sticks to me, eurgh-” Vinyl rants furiously.
“Pessimistic much?...” Luxor groans.
“Okay, well maybe, mayyybee, it doesn't suck that bad…” Vinyl huffs. “Well, it’s plenty bad, but it can’t get much worse, right?”
“Yes it can. It just did.” Luxor groans, as their AC breaks. “Really?!” they exclaim, as Vinyl screams, flopping onto the floor. “COME ON!”
The two end up having to sit next to the fridge for the entire day. By the end of the day, even Luxor is starting to hate the Solar Flare.


Reward Amount
Unidentified Fallen Object 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-400: LUXOR🎰


Reward Amount


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