Submission (#5654) Approved

27 July 2024, 03:18:12 UTC (1 month ago)
2 August 2024, 04:26:57 UTC (1 month ago) by Leirofir


There was something wrong. Brushbuddy felt the way his little creatures runs anxiously in his visor as if it was scared of something. He tapped a couple of times on the visor glass to make sure his little fella would react. It actually did, stopped running here and there and leaned towards the glass as if it tried to sniff the finger.
“What’s wrong, buddy? What worries you so much?”
And nothing else, the little fella in his visor never communicated the way he could understand.
“Well then, it seems like I need to go and check what has happened.”
It wasn’t easy as Brushbuddy preferred to leave in solitude in the forest. He was never a fan of technology, cities or crowds, so he found himself comfortable living in a small house in the woods. However, he knew he can always reach his good old friend Amber, the Terralien so calm and reserved that it was a real pleasure to communicate with him even for such a lonely introvert Brushbuddy was.
He was walking through the trees and bushes for some time when he finally reached the meadow outside the forest. The pretty little house of Amber the Terralien was well seen from this spot. However, something was wrong. The figure of Amber who was in his garden seemed to be worried and anxious. But here was something even more confusing – Amber was sitting on his roof.
”Hello there, Amber…”
Brushbuddy reached his house and looked up. Amber waved his hand absently and kept on doing something.
“What’s the matter? What are you doing? I saw my buddy’s getting quite nervous today, he doesn’t behave like this… and now you… What are you doing up there?”
“There must be a solar flare… both my TV and my radio went off! They’re not working, so I’m trying to fix it up. Somehow…”
Brushbuddy seemed to be puzzled. He wasn’t quite good with technology and knew almost nothing on how it actually works, so he found it really hard even to ask any question.
“What is the impact of this… solar flare?”
“Well, technology might go off, no Internet connection out there right now, gadgets being full of bugs and errors… I’m surprised our sensors are fine, huh.”
“Can this solar flare cause any discomfort to those living things inside our visors?”
“Well sure, but I’m not the one to consult you… you know”.
He turned his head to Brushbuddy and pointed to his visor. Yeah, happy him having a crystalized fossil inside his visor…
“Your little fella is feeling stuffy and hot, I think. You’d better have a little cooldown. It seems like I won’t have a chance to either watch TV or listen to my radio in a couple of hours, so don’t you mind having a visit? I mean, it’s rather cool inside my house, so your little friend might feel better.”
Even though Brushbuddy wasn’t a big fan of being a guest, he thought it was a good idea. Amber was always the one to listen to with great pleasure.


Reward Amount
Unidentified Fallen Object 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-2808: Brushbuddy

TERRA-2808: Brushbuddy

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-2135: Alert

TERRA-2135: Alert

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Harald_Horfager's Bank

Currency Quantity