Submission (#54) Approved

11 May 2023, 18:04:06 UTC (1 year ago)
12 May 2023, 00:01:48 UTC (1 year ago) by Avi


It was a Monday morning, the sky was cloudy, but little sun shined upon the hill. Mewmie lived in a small house with Mothra, and it was their turn to collect herbs and veggies from their garden. Mothra was still asleep, exhausted from last night's busy night at the Herb shop. Mothra owned a small shop that sold herbs they grew at home and tea prepared by Mewmie. Mewmie went ahead to grab their bag and walked out towards the garden.

Mewmie looked up as he walked down the path towards the garden, thinking that it might rain as the sky was hidden by grey clouds. He hurriedly ran down and arrived shortly at his destination. Mewmie opened the door fence, walked in, and closed the door behind him. Mewmie looked through the plant sections for the right herbs: Elderberry, Turmeric, Ginger, Valerian, and many more. Mewmie carefully stuffed his bag with the crops while tending to the plants' care. He made sure to pluck out the weeds from the pots, water the plants, and set out seeds in the empty jars of dirt.

Mewmie took out a bag of Chamomile seeds that he had purchased yesterday. He hoped to make some tea for Mothra as he's seen him exhausted from work. According to Mewmie's knowledge, chamomile tea can improve one's sleep quality. He picked up a pot, filled it with dirt and fertilizer, and carefully planted the seeds. As Mewmie was busy scattering the chamomile seeds, the clouds turned dull. Droplets of cold water started to fall from the shadows. Mewmie quickly tagged the pots and went to get their bag of herbs. Mewmie didn't need an umbrella since his wings could easily shield his head.

In the meantime, back at the cottage, Mothra yawned, still exhausted from his nap. He wiped his eyes and stood up from the bed. Mothra looked around, seeing no Mewmie, and realized that his fellow roommate might be in the garden getting the herbs for tonight's stock. Mothra looked out the window and saw that it was raining. Mothra was told by a customer that there might be a downpour this afternoon. He walked downstairs and spotted Mewmie's umbrella and raincoat hanging on the wall. Mothra sighed and face palmed because he knew Mewmie would come in wet mud and dirty the floor. Knowing this, Mothra went into the bathroom, carried sets of towels down the stairs, and placed them all on the floor, spreading them out equally.

Before long, Mothra heard a knock at the door. He opened it, revealing a mud-drenched Mewmie. His feet were dirty and grossed Mothra out. Mewmie smirked and held the herbs to Mothra: "They're safe and sound, Mothie!" Mothra frowned at Mewmie and scolded him for not taking the umbrella or raincoat while Mewmie laughed.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 30


Thumbnail for TERRA-283


Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Nyudex's Bank

Currency Quantity