Submission (#5123) Approved

30 June 2024, 08:54:44 UTC (2 months ago)
30 June 2024, 13:46:26 UTC (2 months ago) by Bones


“Aurora Borealis is one of the greatest nature wonders. It is not only beautiful and shines with all possible colours, but also reveals the dreams and inner thoughts. In the moment of watching green, blue and purple lights moving in the dark night sky, you think of something or someone special. It’s one of the best moments for you to understand what the most important thing is and what you real crave for.”
Minus seemed to be a little irritated, but it happened all the time he listened to Alert. He was sitting on a big stone slightly covered with snow watching the stars in the sky. No sight of aurora borealis could be seen.
“Are you sure we can see it? I also bet it’s not that beautiful. You’re such an old romantic lad, you can see something great and whatever in anything. Oh, for example the dead grass in the snow or the winter ants.
Minus put his right paw into the snow letting a little ant to climb his thumb. It wasn’t that great but definitely looked funny enough.
“Why not? Even the bugs are pretty. The way those ants follow each other or build their houses or brings food really worth taking a notice. But aurora borealis is the much better.”
“Ha, and what does it remind you? You’ve never shared a bit.”
“Because you never listen, you little bastard. — he wasn’t angry at all; he never was. — However, I do have a story to tell if you’re interested. I used to travel a lot back in those days and I even had a good friend of mine, a partner, I’d say, who always accompanied me. He was bigger, stronger, wiser and much more experienced than me. He was my tutor in some way. We crossed Grasslands, we swam and went fishing in Pletium Lakes, we crossed the Wasteland, walked in the Lush Forest to finally reach the Tundra, like you and I did. Oh that’s the place I fell in love with. The sky we saw there was so hard to describe, the beauty of it cannot be conveyed in words.”
“It doesn’t sound like an interesting story, to be honest…”
“It does. You’ve just asked me what special memories I have about aurora borealis and I haven’t even finished my story yet. You see, I was as impatient as you many years ago and there was a thing I never understood about my friend. He was very silent, he never shared any ideas or thoughts on whatever I was talking about. Absolute silence, not even a nod to show he agrees. And one day we saw my first aurora borealis in the cold skies of Tundra. That was also the first time I kept silent while watching. That was the moment when I realized why he was always so silent. It was all about the beauty which he didn’t want to destroy with talking. Sometimes it is more than enough to observe in silence without ay thoughts and sound. Just like you’ll be doing right now. Better appreciate the moment.”
Minus never replied because all his attention was concentrated on the wonderful play of colours in the sky. Even though Alert has seen aurora borealis couple of times, it was the first one he was thinking not about his old friend but of him becoming a big old friend to someone else.


Reward Amount
Abnormal Aurora 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-1963: Minus

TERRA-1963: Minus

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-2135: Alert

TERRA-2135: Alert

Reward Amount


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