Submission (#3894) Approved

22 May 2024, 08:16:59 UTC (3 months ago)
28 May 2024, 21:55:25 UTC (3 months ago) by MorgueNest


He had a lot to remember. Amber never felt being old or whatever, but the amount of experience he had made him much more reserved and thoughtful than you would expect. The funniest thing was that his main habit and the preferable way to spend his calm evenings or mornings was exactly the thing older generation would choose as well. I mean he enjoyed sitting in his hammock under the apple trees and think of his past. Others always wondered how it was possible that he could easily spend hours just slightly swinging back and forth in absolute silence. What was he thinking about at these moments? Was he happy or upset? Was he planning something or overthinking of the past?
He really enjoyed being alone with his memories and thoughts. Every time he watched the clouds moving in the sky or sunshine playing in the grass, he remembered something sweet and important. If those little fellas Minus and Oreo would be more quiet and calm, he would share much more stories with them, staring with his first journey to Tundra or having a fortnight camping in the Wastelands. He always was very easy to distract from telling the story, so those terraliens who weren’t capable of sitting calmly were really bad listeners. However… sometimes miracles happened and even those hooligans were siting quietly in the grass in front of him listening to the stories as if it was a fairy tale. I bet, Amber knew thousands of fairy tales, but he was convinced his real experience values more.
“Hey, old man, sitting again all alone with the thoughts in your head rushing?”
He wasn’t surprised to get a sudden message. Minus and Oreo, who else could it be? However, Amber seemed quite pleased with their visit.
“Yeah, remembering those rare days when you were ready to listen to a good story.”
“I wish your stories were good. Sometimes you sound so boring, Amber, that it’s almost impossible to catch the subject you’re talking about.”
“However, you keep on coming to me every now and then to complain and to listen to one of my stories, don’t you?”
“It makes us feeling bad when seeing you sitting alone all the time. We’re just feeling that we can make your time better.”
“Perhaps you can.”
Such evening always happened accidentally, without any special occurrences or omens. These two terraliens just would come and sit instead of making silly jokes and he would tell them a story, an interesting one for sure. Every time it felt good for all of the three, all of them tend to enjoy such evenings more and more.

One day, Amber would catch a message from Minus or Oreo asking what he was doing.
“Just daydreaming and thinking of different stuff. Are you here to listen to some of my stories?”
This time they wouldn’t make fun and just would nod, tumbling to the grass without any hesitation. The more stories were told, the more involved the younger terraliens got and the brighter became the memories of Amber. Aside from the stories of his big adventures Amber appreciated such little moments of youngsters changing. These memories were always much more precious than any other story, long or short.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-870: Oreo

TERRA-870: Oreo

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1963: Minus

TERRA-1963: Minus

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-2135: Alert

TERRA-2135: Alert

Reward Amount


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Harald_Horfager's Bank

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