Submission (#3522) Approved

3 April 2024, 14:28:52 UTC (5 months ago)
6 April 2024, 13:28:01 UTC (5 months ago) by Bones


In the TARDIS, where time and space meld into an ever-shifting canvas, the Eleventh Doctor found himself pondering the mischief that lay ahead. It was April Fool's Day, a day the Doctor relished for its opportunities to indulge in harmless tomfoolery. And who better to target than his daring, ambitious, and moody yet undeniably charming lover, Daemon?

Daemon, with his brooding demeanor and penchant for adventure, had captured the Doctor's hearts in ways he didn't fully understand. Their relationship was a whirlwind of passion, intellect, and occasional bickering, but through it all, they remained inseparable companions in the vast expanse of the universe.

As the TARDIS hummed with the energy of impending mischief, the Doctor concocted a plan worthy of the occasion. With a mischievous grin and a twinkle in his eyes, he set about his task, crafting an elaborate ruse to catch Daemon off guard.
The opportunity presented itself when they landed on a seemingly ordinary planet, its landscape dotted with lush greenery and vibrant flora. Unbeknownst to Daemon, the Doctor had manipulated the TARDIS's holographic interface, disguising the planet as a renowned vacation destination known for its breathtaking vistas and luxurious accommodations.

With a flourish, the Doctor announced their arrival, painting a vivid picture of the paradise that awaited them. Excited by the prospect of a relaxing getaway, Daemon eagerly agreed to explore the planet's wonders.
As they ventured forth, the Doctor couldn't help but revel in the anticipation of his prank. With each step, he observed Daemon's growing sense of wonder and delight, knowing that soon it would give way to bemusement.
Their journey led them to a secluded clearing, where a magnificent waterfall cascaded into a crystal-clear pool below. The Doctor feigned ignorance, pretending to marvel at the beauty before them while surreptitiously signaling the TARDIS to execute the next phase of his plan, a marvelous plan indeed.

Suddenly, as if by magic, the tranquil scene erupted into chaos. The water began to churn and bubble, swirling into a frothy frenzy as colorful foam engulfed the pool. Daemon's expression shifted from awe to confusion, his eyes widening in disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the spectacle unfolding before him.

With a theatrical flourish, the Doctor, using a confetti popper, revealed the source of the chaos—a harmless prank designed to capture Daemon's heart as surely as any grand romantic gesture. Laughter echoed through the clearing as the Doctor confessed to his trickery, unable to contain his amusement at Daemon's bewildered expression.


Reward Amount
Pestering Plushie 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-173: Daemon 🐉

TERRA-173: Daemon 🐉

Reward Amount


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