Submission (#3406) Approved

30 March 2024, 20:13:30 UTC (5 months ago)
31 March 2024, 20:15:18 UTC (5 months ago) by Leirofir


Jasper was sitting behind the curtains with other terras, Today just helping them with the event. He was giving some supplies for their presentations, and of course, support! Jasper was watching from behind with other Terras fellows, each terralien having their amazing talent, such as drawing, maybe music, or even deal with unusual objects, one even was dealing with bombs! Jasper felt quite proud of everyone around there, surely not regretting the resource he offered for each terra there showing their amazing talents. Jasper after finishing helping everyone around, took some boxes, using their as seats for everyone behind the stage, everyone watching each person do their best... watching everyone there, doing their best, Jasper had a crazy idea: he gets up from his seat, and walked towards the terralien who was putting everyone on the event, and asked to participate! He decided to show a bit of his work as a forager, show to everyone around how he found his supplies to his shop! And so he did: after some minutes, he walked towards the big stage, carrying a box with mixed types of forageble items... the sand colored terralien started to show how he mannaged to find each item on his shop, explaining his love for this work... He starts to explain how amazing this is to him, to find resources that can help other terras, explore their ecosystem more and more, knows more about the lands they live, and how it lives with them. He felt proud to show to everyone his little world, how his life is, the thing he does for a live... He could see some people interested on the crowd... that was more than enough for him, he felt proud of himself to show a bit of their world to ali the terras on that crowd, and maybe, even influence them to search about by themselfs. He then, walked off the stage, everyone clapping their hands for Jasper, he felt proud of himself, putting his box behind the stage again, organizing all his stuff again while thinking about the chance he maybe did on that terras mind about their world. He put all his things on the box, closing it while the sun sets, finishing the day... that was an amazing event for Sure, Jasper felt satisfied with the day he had, helping everyone, showing his job... that was incredible... He would carry that memories forever.


Reward Amount
Ddraig Dalentog 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for NPC-1230: Ryelie

NPC-1230: Ryelie

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Bakekomori's Bank

Currency Quantity