Submission (#3097) Approved

11 March 2024, 12:02:06 UTC (6 months ago)
14 March 2024, 23:19:41 UTC (6 months ago) by Leirofir


As his feet fell heavy against the floor of foliage the wind whistled, the birds chirped and the sun shone lazy beams softly upon the world below. Mal was on his usual weekly trek through the thick forest in which he called home towards a small clearing with a large stump which was an ideal table to set up shop. He would sell all sorts of oddities and curios to wanderers passing by as well as the occasional return customer. But today something was different. As he approached the clearing a hint of a metallic tang rung in his sensors that grew in intensity as he drew nearer and nearer. He broke through the edge trees to see Bishop leaning on a floating slab that was covered in an assortment of items. Bishop sneered at the sight of the wizard, “What do you want wizard? Have you come to steal my business or just to gawk at your superior?”
“Funnily enough I was just about to ask you the same thing, except I have much more choice words of which to describe you.” Mal retorted with a seething chuckle while he unfolded his satchel into tablecloth of which he unfolded onto the stump to reveal its contents. He picked up a gold tipped black quill. Flaunting it’s design by reflecting the daylight across to Bishop he spoke, “No matter when I have such a fine collection of item, such as this quill. Taken from my own wings and formed into a magic item the quill will write what you command it to without ever running out of ink.”
“Shame it’s simply outclassed by my Tartarus chilli powder which has multiple functions. Firstly, it can be used as a terrible poison to inflict fire agony upon the consumer. Second it can be used to summon an imp which can perform a variety of tasks such as writing.”
“Obviously that is not as useful as my Obsidian ball which, with immense concentration, will show you anything you wish that is touched by daylight.”
“Surely you would prefer my Dark Mirror which will show you anywhere in the past of the place you are in.”
This one was followed by silence. Eventually Mal spoke again. “Do you want to just trade everything to one another?”


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 15


Thumbnail for TERRA-1196: Bishop

TERRA-1196: Bishop

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1269: Maleficent

TERRA-1269: Maleficent

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Furry_ExecUwUtioner's Bank

Currency Quantity