Submission (#3059) Approved

9 March 2024, 08:42:20 UTC (6 months ago)
14 March 2024, 22:00:55 UTC (6 months ago) by Leirofir


Belle always loved secondhand items, especially at yard sales. She loved seeing the wear and tear on each item, wondering the stories behind it. Seeing the love and care with each of them. She noticed the sign first, and thought for a moment to see if she needed anything. While the answer was no, not necessarily, she knew she wouldn’t stop thinking about it if she skipped it. She browsed each table excitedly, taking in the details of each item. A lamp, once painted with a full scene, now chipped and worn. But she knew it was beautiful once. She sifted through a box of old toys, some threadbare and worn, and her heart was set on a little stuffed owl. Not something she needed, not necessarily, but she knew it had to be hers. She saw some stuffed recliners and tried them out. She didn’t need them, nor could she get them home by herself, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try them out, to wonder who else sat in this chair, napped in it, read in it. She paid for her new stuffed animal friend and left back for home. She didn’t have much money to spend to begin with, but she was more than happy with her purchase.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 10


Thumbnail for TERRA-2192: Belle

TERRA-2192: Belle

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

cursivewerewolf's Bank

Currency Quantity