Submission (#3042) Approved

7 March 2024, 13:27:05 UTC (6 months ago)
14 March 2024, 21:38:54 UTC (6 months ago) by Leirofir


Angel ran down the road, heading for the center of the town. As she hurried towards the center of the town , she ran into Basil, one of her neighbors.
“Basil, are you going to the festival too?” Angel called, to which Basil replied, “Of course I am! I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
Angel slowed down as she and Basil walked to the Festival together.
The Festival of Creativity was a yearly celebration her town hosted, where all Terra’s got a chance to show off their special skills, such as dancing, singing, and even drawing.
“Are you going to be performing this year Angel?” Basil asked, as they neared the Festival. Angle could hear the music and cheers of the crowd.
“No, I’m going to be watching this year, but maybe next year I will.” Angel grinned brightly, as she and Basil arrived at the Festival.
There were colorful banners hanging everywhere, and there were a lot of Terra’s selling little crafts, and other things.
“I’ll get us some food, and then we can watch the performances.” Basil offered, as the pair sat down at a table.
“Sure! We can go check out what Terras are selling today later.” Angel agreed.
Basil headed for a food truck, and asked a Terra who was taking orders, “May I please have one large cheese pizza, and two cokes?” She took out her wallet to pay as the Terra responded, “Of course! Your order will be ready soon.” As they handed her a receipt.
When the pizza was ready, Basil said a quick thank you to the staff, and ran over the Angel.
“I got us one large cheese pizza, and two cokes!” Basil announced as she set the pizza down on the table.
“Oh, thank you! Cheese pizza is my favorite!” Angel laughed.
“Look, the performances are starting.” Angel pointed at the stage, as the Mayor of the town stepped up.
“Welcome to the 10th annual Festival of Creativity!” She announced. “The Festival of Creativity has been hosted every year, on the 1st of March to celebrate the amazing talents of Terra’s all around. People from far and wide come to see this festival, so without further ado… let the performances begin!”
The Mayor stepped off the stage as the audience applauded.
Angel and Basil watched as each terra got onto stage and performed, and when the performances ended the two decided to go to the vendors to see if there was anything worth purchasing.
“Hey, Basil, look at these bracelets!” Angel called to her friend, holding up two bracelets.
“Ooh, these are so pretty! Let's get them!” Basil answered, as Angel brought the bracelets, handing one to Basil.
“Thanks! I’ll be heading home now though, do you wanna come with me and we can have dinner together?” Basil offered.
“Of course!” Angel exclaimed.


Reward Amount
Ddraig Dalentog 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-1135: Angel

TERRA-1135: Angel

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1995: Argent

TERRA-1995: Argent

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Nyundex's Bank

Currency Quantity