Submission (#2704) Approved

24 February 2024, 12:36:15 UTC (6 months ago)
24 February 2024, 19:49:26 UTC (6 months ago) by Bones


If I were a plushie I would watch. I would watch as a malevolent cloud rolled upward, its dark tentacles of ash uncoiling into the sky as it spreads like a tumour. I would watch as hellfire cackled and devoured, fuelled by rich air and the fruits of labour. I would watch as those who survived the engulfing destruction struggle forward, only to be consumed by the inferno that rended skin and flesh from bone. I would watch as red and blue flash in the dark, saviours come too late. I would watch as the powerless tried God’s work to restore life to husks. I would watch as great monoliths of concrete and glass come shattering down, the concrete jungle drowning in wildfire. I would watch as obsidian pillars rose up all around me, holding up a roof of night during day. I would watch as the ceiling lit up with the strength of the Immortals in a flash streaking and cracking across its uneven surface. I would watch as the roof came down in flakes of beautiful crystal making a blanket on the ravaged scene. I would watch as green fell with it, Mother Nature growing tired. I would watch as the blanket settles as those who remain breath in. I would watch as they struggle more and more with every step, with every breath. I would watch as they rattle and fall, never to move again. I would watch as the blanket covers them, never to be seen again. I would watch as life fell silent, never to be known again. I would watch as fire stopped burning, as electricity stopped sparking, as water stopped running, as wind stopped blowing, as light stopped shining. I would watch as Sin finally completes its work. I would watch and laugh for no-one suspects a plushie.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 10


Thumbnail for TERRA-1196: Bishop

TERRA-1196: Bishop

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

Furry_ExecUwUtioner's Bank

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