Submission (#2660) Approved

22 February 2024, 14:53:24 UTC (6 months ago)
23 February 2024, 19:04:48 UTC (6 months ago) by Bones


Shiloh rubbed the runes on her floor, smiling as she got ready to finish up the spell.

“One needle.. a bit of fox fur.. and.. two drops of squid ink!” She read over the recipe for the last time, making sure she got every part. “I think we’re ready..”

She crouched down, putting her hands to the floor as she chanted the ritualistic songs. The rune slowly began to glow as her chants seemed to echo. The rune lit up bright purple before swiftly dying out.

“Hey-!” Shiloh stared at the dark rune, huffing lightly and reaching to open the book. Her paw felt lighter, in fact, her whole body felt lighter.

She looked at her paw, noticing stitches before screaming and passing out.

“Shiloh?” A voice called out, muffled and echoed. “Shiloh? Is that you?” Junebug held the strange plushie in her arms, panicked about what happened.

“Huh..” shiloh mumbled, her head spinning as she slowly became conscious again.

“Shiloh!” Junebug tightly hugged the plushie, breathing a sigh of relief, “Thank Jasper youre okay!” She gave Shiloh a minute to breathe before explaining the situation,

“You messed up a spell.. and turned into .. this.” June held Shiloh infront of a mirror as Shiloh stared in shock, “But- its ok! I found- a witch! A really really good one and well- she can turn you back!” June assured Shiloh, “I promise!!”

Shiloh just stared in shock for a second before finally mumbling and hiding her face. “Can.. can we go now.. this is so embarrassing..” she whispered lightly.

Junebug gave a small smile, “yes, of course dear.. you dont have to be embarrassed.. it happens.” She crouched down and gave shiloh a kiss on her newly plush forehead. “You forgot a gummy eye, by the way.” She picked Shiloh up again, propping her up on her shoulder as the two began their trip to the witch’s shop.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 10


Thumbnail for TERRA-439: Shiloh

TERRA-439: Shiloh

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-628: Junebug

TERRA-628: Junebug

Reward Amount


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