Submission (#2657) Approved

22 February 2024, 14:29:55 UTC (6 months ago)
23 February 2024, 19:03:28 UTC (6 months ago) by Bones


Junebug stared at herself in the mirror, clutching the gift she had bought for Shiloh. She took a heavy breath in and pumped herself up before she had to go see her girlfriend. The two had been having some troubles lately, but Junebug wanted to put their differences aside and heal their relationship. The main cause of the troubles was Shiloh’s introverted and clingy nature, often holding Junebug back from hanging out with her friends out of guilt. She turned away from the mirror, finally ready to leave as she headed out the door. The air outside was crisp and breezy, most couples holding hands as they walked through the streets happily. June frowned lightly, clutching the gift tighter as she walked.

‘B there in a second xoxo’ Junebug texted Shiloh, quickly putting her phone away afterwards.

“Ok- give her the gift.. and apologize.. and have dinner with her..” junebug loved giving gifts, but Shiloh couldnt keep much in her underwater home so Junebug had to hunt for durable gifts. She sped up walking, beginning to get impatient as she walked over. After a few minutes, she arrived on the beach, scanning the seashore for Shiloh’s door. She confirmed and headed over, gently knocking.

“Hello? Im here, hun.” She called out, reaching for the door handle and opening it. She began to descend the steps into the ocean, holding the gift tightly. As she descended, she could hear Shiloh rummaging around as some romantic music played.

“Hi hun.” June headed over, giving shiloh a peck on the cheek. Shiloh hugged her in return. They let go,

“So what did you get me?” Shiloh teased, as she glanced down at the gift.

“Sit down, ill watch you open it.”

The two headed over to the couch, sitting down as Shiloh leaned against June.

“Hey junie.. i just.. wanted to let you know that Im sorry.” Shiloh sheepishly whispered.

“Sorry about what?” June glanced over, stroking Shiloh’s back gently.

“About everything.. holding you back from hanging out.. being so quiet.. everything..” shiloh sniffled.

June pulled Shiloh close, “oh sweetie- no no, dont blame yourself-!” She whisper-yelled, hugging Shiloh tightly, “i shouldnt have said anything.. im so sorry i made you feel this way..” she paused, “I live you so much.. you dont owe me a sorry for anything.” She held her girlfriend, running a paw over her head.

“Why dont you take a deep breath.. and open your gift.. i think youll like it.” June gently released Shiloh, placing the gift on her lap.

Shiloh took a second before unwrapping the gift, slowly peeling away the plastic wrapping to finally reveal a t-shirt.

“Open it.. and smell it.. that sounds weird” june chuckled.

Shiloh opened the shirt, revealing a custom embroidered orca in the front. She nearly started crying before leaning over to smell the shirt. It smelled just like Junie. Shiloh held the shirt tightly as she nuzzed her head into Junebug’s shoulder,

“I love it.. so much.. and I love you so much. Thank you.” The two embraced eacb other for a while before they headed out for a romantic dinner.

(Gift giving)


Reward Amount
Love Language Globe 1
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-439: Shiloh

TERRA-439: Shiloh

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-628: Junebug

TERRA-628: Junebug

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

BonkSm's Bank

Currency Quantity