Submission (#2335) Approved

4 February 2024, 11:27:08 UTC (7 months ago)
10 February 2024, 18:36:21 UTC (7 months ago) by tycho


Deep within the outskirts of a small, forgotten town, there was a mysterious figure known as Mimic. His lanky silhouette blended seamlessly with the shadows, and the townsfolk whispered tales of his eerie connection with a murder of crows that followed him wherever he went. Mimic was a master of disguise, able to mimic the appearance and mannerisms of anyone he pleased.

One gloomy evening, Mimic found himself wandering through an abandoned crop field on the outskirts of town. The moon hung low, casting an ethereal glow upon the desolate landscape. His crows, with their shiny, obsidian feathers, circled overhead, their caws echoing through the stillness of the night.

As Mimic strolled through the field, he couldn't resist the lure of a peculiar-looking scarecrow. Its ragged clothes hung loosely on its frame, and a twisted, grinning burlap sack covered its head. Mimic, always one for mischief, decided to join in the scarecrow's eerie pose.

Unbeknownst to Mimic, one of his mischievous crows had found a discarded smartphone in the field. Fascinated by the shiny device, the crow pecked at it until the camera app opened. The crow, ever the curious creature, hopped onto Mimic's shoulder and accidentally triggered the selfie mode.

The result was a hauntingly comical image - Mimic in his scarecrow stance, crows perched around him, and the twisted grin of the burlap-sacked scarecrow joining the eerie tableau. Mimic, unaware of the photographic mischief, continued his eerie stroll through the crop field, leaving behind an accidental masterpiece of creepy hilarity.

Little did Mimic know that the image would spread through the town, becoming the subject of eerie legends and tales. The townsfolk, torn between amusement and unease, couldn't help but chuckle at the bizarre selfie that captured the enigmatic Mimic and his mischievous crows in an accidental moment.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 15



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