Submission (#2256) Approved

31 January 2024, 19:53:34 UTC (7 months ago)
31 January 2024, 19:55:24 UTC (7 months ago) by tycho


The New Year had just come, and the day after the wonderful fireworks show on Terrah was filled with early spring cleaning. Persephone had stayed with her friends the night before, enjoying the night and bidding farewell to the grand year of 2023. She had set several resolutions for the New Year-- and the first one was to start cleaning up around her home. She had a bit of a tendency to collect things- little knickknacks here and there- but they had quickly grown into a.. bit of an obsession. So, she started gathering up as many as she could that didn't have much connection to things and tossed them into a large trash bag, hauling it outside and tossing it into the trashcan.

Later in the day, she decided to visit her friend Cassiopeia, whom she hadn't had the chance to visit the night before. Cassi had other plans on New Year's Eve, so the two decided that it would make for a fun day to meet up on New Year's and discuss all that they had wanted to do for the next year. She went to a local cafe, ordered a coffee, and sat down, aimlessly tapping on the table as she waited for Cassi to arrive. A few minutes later, Cassi would walk in the door, hurriedly walking to sit down with Persephone.

"Hii, Persephone! It's so good to see you- how was your New Year? What plans do you have?" She hurriedly asked, leaning forward to show her interest. "It's been good, Cassi! I've done a lot already- just cleaning up around the house and throwing out things that I don't need anymore.. like that knickknack collection that I'd been collecting over the year. I'm so glad to be rid of everything now!" She laughed, looking at the coffee that she wasn't too sure why she ordered since Terras lacked a mouth. Regardless, she looked forward and chatted with Cassi for the rest of the afternoon.

For dinner, Persephone had made plans to meet with Gigglethorpe and spend the rest of the evening chatting and working on a small art project together. There were a few hours between her lunch with Cassi and the dinner with Gigglethorpe, so she finished cleaning out her collection and began work on her next plan, which was to start studying up on making some new outfits for herself. She had been interested in needlework and fashion for a while now but hadn't had much of a chance in the previous year to start working on any projects. Now that she had a few hours of free time, it was a perfect opportunity to practice some needlework and begin honing her skills before making anything big.

By the end of the hour, she hadn't made anything particularly special or extravagant, but Persephone was proud of herself regardless. She'd embroidered a cute floral pattern onto a little hat that she had bought the other week, and was excited to wear it for her meeting with Gigglethorpe that was coming up. She packed her bag full of a few games to play and lots of craft supplies, making her way to the tiny abode that Gigglethorpe called home. They had decided to make a painting together, one on a ridiculously large canvas that the two had managed to buy off of another Terra for a low price. Persephone worked on the sketching whilst Gigglethorpe mixed up their colors, and the two set to work on painting a landscape piece of their favorite place in Terrah. Sure, Gigglethorpe added a lot more glitter and googly eyes than were accurate to the place, but by the end of the night, they really felt like something amazing had been made. Leaving it to dry at Gigglethorpe's house, Persephone made her way home, feeling content and excited for what else the New Year was soon to bring.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 35


Thumbnail for TERRA-1404: cassiopeia

TERRA-1404: cassiopeia

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

tycho's Bank

Currency Quantity