Submission (#2245) Approved

31 January 2024, 19:18:41 UTC (7 months ago)
31 January 2024, 20:05:40 UTC (7 months ago) by tycho


Three friends gathered amidst a sea of colorful fabrics, spools of thread, and jars filled with buttons of all shapes and sizes. Jim, Bean, and Greg had been friends for some time, and their shared love for crafting brought them together every Saturday afternoon.
Jim, with his gentle demeanor and knack for intricate details, carefully sorted through the fabric scraps, his nimble fingers picking out just the right patterns and textures and antennae wiggling as he thought. Bean, full of boundless energy and animated gestures, flitted from one project to another, their enthusiasm contagious as they gestured wildly over each new idea that popped into their head, sloshing the coffee in their visor against the glass. Lastly, there was Greg, the quiet giant whose soft heart matched his towering stature, his calm presence bringing a sense of tranquility to their bustling workspace.
On this particular afternoon, they had decided to tackle a quilt-making project. Jim had suggested it, his quiet voice carrying an air of determination as he explained how they could each contribute a square to create a masterpiece that would be a symbol of community if they all contributed. Bean had accepted with an eager nod, and Greg’s critter had done an enthusiastic turn in his visor, bubbles floating through the liquid as the whaleshark moved.

The three decided it would be best if they all made their individual squares, following their own instincts, instead of trying to plan something harmonious from the beginning, that way it would most honestly represent all of them.
As they sat around the wooden table, their needles stitching in harmony, scissors clipping out shaped for the quilt; the attic filled with laughter and chatter. Bean regaled them with stories of their latest adventures and games, their hands punctuating every tale with exaggerated gestures that had Jim and Greg doubled over with silent laughter, their critters showing their joy. Greg listened intently, his deep chuckles rumbling through his body like distant thunder as he occasionally offered a word of encouragement or a gentle pat on the back.
Hours melted away as they worked, the soft glow of the afternoon sun keeping them cosy while they stitched the fabric together and casting a warm glow over their creations. Jim meticulously sewed each piece together, his steady hands weaving a tapestry of memories with every stitch. Bean's squares were a riot of colors and patterns, each one reflecting their vibrant personality and zest for life. And Greg's contributions, though simple in design, held a quiet elegance that helped keep the entire quilt more harmonious and showed how thoughtful he was.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the attic was bathed in the soft light of dusk, they stepped back to admire their handiwork. The quilt spread out before them was a kaleidoscope of their friendship, each square a testament to the bonds that held them together and all the parts that made them unique. And as they wrapped it around their shoulders in a tight embrace, they knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have this moment, this memory, and each other.
With smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts, they slowly packed up all their crafting supplies; every button, scrap of fabric, and little bit of thread. Each piece was carefully collected and put back into the boxes and jars they’d been brought in. The laughter and storytelling continued, and the trio made plans to get together soon to work on another project since they had had so much fun with this one. For in each other, they had found not just friends, but kindred spirits bound by a love that was as enduring as the stitches that held their quilt together.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 35


Thumbnail for TERRA-755: Squish

TERRA-755: Squish

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1992: VOIDED


Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1902: GREG


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

Ghoul's Bank

Currency Quantity