Submission (#2178) Approved

31 January 2024, 04:45:47 UTC (7 months ago)
31 January 2024, 07:23:51 UTC (7 months ago) by tycho


Tonight was the night. Everything would change. This was the year Pip would finally go to gym like he had been saying for the last three new years. But that was for after. Now was the time to celebrate!

Pip kicked the door. “IT'S ALMOST TIIIIME!!!” He yelled. In his arms were boxes and boxes of supplies his tiny body struggled to hold. “AND GUESS WHO BROUGHT THE EXPLOSIVES!!!” He screamed through his friend’s house.

“Well guess who’s got even more explosives!” Shimmer yelled back as she ran up to the door. “And they’re not just bombs right?” Pip shook his head. “Nope, just regular flashy fireworks. Just as you asked. Oh! And some sparklers!” He’d drop the boxes like a sack of potatoes and search through them. “They’re riiiiiiggght…here!” He held up a small, bright red box. “These are my favorites. They’re so shiny.” Shimmer clapped. “Yay! Hopefully we won’t have any problems this year then!”

“You guys done gabbering over here? I wanna get these set up before it’s time.” Espresso transmitted as he walked in. “Yeah, yeah.” She said as she picked up the rest of the boxes and brought them to the backyard.

Pip would run alongside her. “Hey, whoever sets up the most fireworks gets to-“ He was quickly cut off. “No, Pip.” Espresso said. “We’re not doing this.”

“Whyyyyy?” Shimmer whined.

“Because I don’t want to diiieeeeee.” He leaned in as he snatched one of the bigger boxes away from her. “And I don’t want either of you going six feet under either. Now, we have more than enough time to set most of these up safely.”

The two would help set up the fireworks properly this time. Everything looked safe and legal. Espresso even whipped out a protractor to check. The little dragon in her terrarium rolled its eyes. Thankfully, the yard was big enough for them all to go off. It was soon time for the big send off.

“Hey, Soso. Ready to set them off?” Shimmer asked. He looked at the time. It was almost 12. “Just a minute to go. If we light ‘‘em up now at least a few of them should go off at exactly midnight.”

“Awesome!” She said as she started light. “Once we get these going, I can get you guys a good view from a good distance.”

“Huh?” Espresso looked up. “We have a great view here.”

“Yeah.” She began to flap her wings. “But I got a better one.” Pip gasped as he hopped on her back.

“Wait! Wait, hold on!” He’d grab onto her tail. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Don’t worry I’ve been practicing. Just hold on.”

“What do you mean hold o-wahhhhhh!” He cried as she lifted the both of them into the air. Pip held his hand out as he felt the midnight breeze through his thick coat of fur. “Hands inside the cart please. I don’t think Moss wants to wake up to you in the hospital with fewer limbs than before.” Pip placed his hands back on her shoulders as he saw the fireworks from a perspective he never saw prior. Yellows, oranges, and the rest of the rainbow lit up the sky as the clock hit twelve. Of course, she wasn’t dumb enough to fly them directly into the pretty explosives but, as promised, she gave them a better view then they ever had before.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-572: Jitter

TERRA-572: Jitter

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-854: Shimmer

TERRA-854: Shimmer

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-933: Pip

TERRA-933: Pip

Reward Amount


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OneDitzyBrunnette's Bank

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