Submission (#209) Approved

13 August 2023, 13:52:13 UTC (1 year ago)
13 August 2023, 15:44:16 UTC (1 year ago) by Pinkyymae


Nature is the nicest thing.
A crowd of any feasible thing from fauna to a vessel of a magical life meanders through the gigantic earth. Luscious grass growing only to be tread on by one of the most adored and delightful creatures in the fields. Despite the Weasel being about as long as a Conifer, their running looks like they’re soaring through the air, startling any critter closeby.

The water is so nice!
I mean I don't really swim or anything, I kind of just slightly stand here while watching my favourite flowers bloom, the closer to the river the nicer it is!

Weasewl's typically aren’t seen in the wild, though in a hidden corner of the forest, a specimen can be frequently found near the riverside’s blossom, which typically don't get explored as much as large fields as most domesticated specimens of this species are found there.

Someone threw a nut at my head, sigh. No one’s really used to seeing me here, but what’s the use of being seen when I’ll be taken out of the forest anyway, I still see my kin carrying things and running around sometimes, but I wouldn’t want that myself.

A swift leap into a quick kill ensures that the Weasewl gets their prey. A small mammal tried to defend its territory, yet the corageous manoeuvre backfired almost immediately as the carnivorous being retaliated after what seemed to be a small blink of hesitation, uncommon for this quick thinking kind.

While I don’t mind how food reveals itself to me whenever I’m in this area, I’ve certainly never been met with a warm welcome. A rest from all of this would be nice, a retrieve or a hiding place, yet why should I be entitled to such a thing? This is alright, right?

They doze off, entering an endearing, nearly humorous slumber. Unconventionally being placed in the softly running water, it seems that today they might miss out on giving a warm welcome.

“What! How cute, right?”
“You should have them”

“Well what would I even call them?”
The Weasewl’s drowsy tune grows louder.
The two characters giggle and nod at each other.

Not often is a Weasewl found in such a desolate and quiet place, but not often do rare things not happen. The story of… Shmi, is as uncharacteristic as the animal itself, but not to be mistaken for a tragedy. The growth and bond formed after this event is as endearing as it is impressive. <3


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 30


Thumbnail for Weasewl-008: Shmimimi

Weasewl-008: Shmimimi

Reward Amount


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Ork's Bank

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