Submission (#2049) Approved

20 January 2024, 11:19:41 UTC (7 months ago)
24 January 2024, 16:44:05 UTC (7 months ago) by tycho


It was a chilly day in winter, the air thick with the promise of snow to come. Clear, a terralian female was preparing for the new year, the coming of the light show that filled the night sky with swirling colors, and the beginning of her new life. She stood on the balcony of her hub, gazing out onto the city with her long off white hair flowing in the chill air.

She was not alone. Her boyfriend, a tall, dark-furred male Terralien with a kind heart, stood beside her. He was her anchor, her rock, her everything. Together they stood arms around one another, the cold air fogging up their warm visors as they shared in the excitement of the evening.

As they gazing down at the streets below, Clear's mind was already elsewhere. She was thinking about her mother and her father, who were far away and about her sister, who had recently left for a new life in a distant city. She was thinking about her career as an artist, about the sacrifices she had made to pursue her dreams and about how hard she had worked to make them a reality.

And yet, despite all of this she was filled with a sense of hope. She was ready for what the new year would bring, ready for the adventures and joys that lay ahead. She was ready for the light show tonight, for the sound of the cheers in the street, and for the love of her boyfriend. She was ready for it all, though alittle bit of joy went along way when the night lights fired off into the sky filling it with colors of the rainbow. So many shapes dazzling their view, reflecting off their visors as Clear pulled the blanket alittle tighter around her shoulders since it was pretty chilly even for her loved ones with fur as well.
It was hard to think about all the bad in the world when the lights shot across the sky, bursting into more colors that gave way to the sparks of reality. Not feeling well, Clear sat down on the bench but her view was sky bound. How she wished she could be up there, watching the celebration of the world from a birds eye view. Brighter then the moon, she felt her heart beat fasten. Happy New years to herself and her beloved, it was sure going to be a beautiful start to this new age.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-1839: Squall

TERRA-1839: Squall

Reward Amount


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