Submission (#1994) Approved

15 January 2024, 13:04:47 UTC (8 months ago)
18 January 2024, 06:46:00 UTC (8 months ago) by temul


Infernus, the broody and enigmatic leader of a notorious gang, found himself atop a desolate rooftop overlooking the city skyline, his silhouette stark against the canvas of night. His two closest friends and loyal gang members, Daemon and Sovereign, joined him to celebrate the change of the year in their own rebellious style.
The city below buzzed with anticipation as the clock struck midnight. Infernus, with his dark attire and piercing gaze, leaned against the edge of the rooftop, seemingly lost in thought. Daemon, the impulsive and fiery member of the trio, cracked open a bottle of champagne, spraying its effervescent contents into the crisp night air.
"Come on, Infernus! It's a new year, and we're still standing tall," Daemon declared, his enthusiasm contagious.
Sovereign, the calm and calculated strategist of the group, stepped forward, holding a small package. "I thought we could use a little celebration," Sovereign said, revealing a stash of colorful fireworks.
Infernus raised an eyebrow, a rare hint of amusement flickering in his usually stoic expression. "Fireworks, Sovereign? Isn't that a bit too... cheerful for us?"
Sovereign smirked, lighting the first firework. "Sometimes, a little chaos can be beautiful."
As the trio stood on the rooftop, the first fireworks soared into the night sky, exploding in a burst of vibrant colors. Infernus, despite his brooding exterior, couldn't help but appreciate the spectacle. Daemon, ever the showman, let out a whoop of joy.
More fireworks followed, filling the sky with a dazzling display of reds, blues, and greens. The city below erupted in cheers and distant explosions as others joined in the celebration. Infernus, Daemon, and Sovereign stood together, watching the chaos unfold below.
Infernus finally spoke, his deep voice cutting through the festive noise. "Here's to another year of pushing boundaries, breaking rules, and leaving our mark on this city."
Daemon raised his champagne bottle, and Sovereign nodded in agreement. The trio clinked their unconventional toast as the fireworks continued to paint the sky.
As the clock struck the final chime, marking the official start of the new year, Infernus couldn't deny the sense of camaraderie that enveloped them. For a brief moment, the broody leader and his two closest friends embraced the chaos, the colors, and the promise of a future where they continued to navigate the shadows together.
“ It is a good life we lead” Daemon speaks as Sovereign nods. “The best. May it never change and may it never change us.” Infernus ends as they all enjoy the spectacle of the fireworks in the night sky.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-173: Daemon 🐉

TERRA-173: Daemon 🐉

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1510: Infernus🔥

TERRA-1510: Infernus🔥

Reward Amount


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