Submission (#1992) Approved

15 January 2024, 12:34:23 UTC (8 months ago)
18 January 2024, 06:45:16 UTC (8 months ago) by temul


Ka-Boom! Another firework lit the night sky, spreading it’s fading embers across in a beautiful arrangement. It was a wonderful night, a night of celebration, where every terra filled the air with the scent of gunpowder and sparks. Who wouldn’t enjoy it? Well there was one simple answer, Party. A weasewl, who’s fur contrasted the darkened night. Despite being named Party this was far too much for the poor creature. Despite being large, fireworks were not their strong suit by any means necessary. The explosions were too much for their sensitive ears, and with each booming echo across the sky, the more the Weasewl shook in fear, hiding it’s face within its body like some scared reptile, followed by shrieks and squeals of fear. The only celebration Party could not handle. The end did not seem near, and it felt as if the terrifying booms would not end.
That was until, a claw brushed their fur, bringing a strange sensation of comfort to it’s trembling body. Its tail raised, just enough for their eyes to meet the body of a terralien. It was hard to make out what the terra looked like, but the fireworks would light them up well. They were red, with dragon wings and gold filled horns, it was hard to make out the rest, but the weasewl knew it was a terralien, without a doubt.
”Hey buddy, what’s got ya so worked up?”

For a moment, Party could peak out their head, almost, until the whistling in the sky forced them back into a trembling ball. Right then and there, the Terra knew what had happened, at least what frightened the weasewl.
“Oohhhh, it’s the fireworks huh? Yeah, that can do it.” The Terralien sat in front of the weasewl, softly lending out their hand. “Hey don’t worry alright? They’re not dangerous…at least not if you're close, haha!” The joke didn’t seem to land, in fact, the weasewl was still curled away, squeaking and crying. After a few more moments of silence between the two, the terra stepped back. “Yeah, it’s scary. They’re loud, and they smell bad…But y’know what? They’re kind of cool when you have someone by your side. Comforting you.”
Party peeked from its tail, looking up at the terra with a soft squeal. Their head pressed against the Terra’s claw, a soft coo coming from its mouth. “Well aren’t you just the friendliest little Weasewl? I suppose introductions are in order then. My name’s Jing Zhen, though I suppose you could call me Jing.”

Party tilted their head, staring at Jing with confusion. Perhaps it did not understand? A sigh escaped as Jing nervously scratched the back of their head. “I must be insane, talking to an animal.” Jing chuckled nervously, their hands now placed on their knees. It was just awkward tension now, that is until it was interrupted by Party quickly wrapping their long body around the terra, chirping and squeaking happily, nuzzling against the body of the terra. “Hah! What do ya know, I’m the Weasewl whisperer.” Their hands brushed up agains’t party’s fur, giving an occasional scratch as the weasewl would nuzzle up against them. Even as fireworks boomed, the weasewl felt content curling around the Terra, even glancing up at the fireworks with its large eyes.
“See? Not that bad!”


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for Weasewl-036: Party

Weasewl-036: Party

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1629: Jinlong

TERRA-1629: Jinlong

Reward Amount


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