Submission (#1800) Approved

31 December 2023, 18:50:27 UTC (8 months ago)
2 January 2024, 13:45:37 UTC (8 months ago) by tycho


It was the night before Christmas.. and all throughout the house- Timmy and Tourma were as quiet as a mouse. They had planned for a fun night of celebration at Hazard's place in the form of a surprise party, and they were anxiously waiting for her to return home. Tourma was wedged in between the curtains and the wall, and Timmy was standing behind a perfectly Timmy-shaped lamp. A few minutes passed, the only sound in the room behind from their occasional shifting and the resulting creaking of the floorboards. Then, the front door swung open, letting in an icy gust of air as Hazard stepped inside. She took off her scarf and hung up her coat, and the second that she turned on the light switch...

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Timmy and Tourma shouted, jumping out from their hiding spots to ambush Hazard. She let out a yelp of surprise, completely taken aback by the two's sudden appearance. However, her surprise quickly turned to joy, and the three were quick to gather in the living room to sit down and make themselves comfortable. They shared hot cocoa and homemade gingerbread cookies, excellently baked by Timmy. They'd been practicing for weeks to make the perfect recipes, and had even brought pre-cut sheets of gingerbread and icing to make their own gingerbread house. Luckily, Hazard had a love for candy, and had found plenty of gumdrops and peppermints to create the shingles and the windows.

The three gathered around a table, carefully icing each of the corners and sticking the pieces of gingerbread together to try and make a replica of Hazard's house. Slowly but surely, and with many fails, the piece began to come together. They got the wedges to stick together, and left them to dry in place as they crawled back into the couch to turn on a movie. There was a bit of an argument as to whether they should watch Home Alone or The Nightmare Before Christmas- eventually deciding on Home Alone due to Hazard and Tourma insisting that The Nightmare Before Christmas was a Halloween movie, despite the plot taking place directly about Christmas. It was a long and arduous argument to try and get Timmy to let up, and by the time a conclusion was made, the gingerbread was ready to decorate.

They turned on the movie for background sound, crawled back on the floor and gathered around the table to begin decorating their gingerbread house. Hazard iced the roof, sticking gumdrops on the center and creating shingles around them, placing little circular candies in between to add some detail. Then, she added little icicles on the edges, tying it all together nicely. However, Timmy and Tourma's work was not quite as beautiful as hers... Their icing work was sloppy, and everything didn't flow together the way Hazard's did. Windows looked much more like sad blobs of icing, and the front door continuously fell on the table after every time it was glued back on. In fact, it got to the point where the door broke in half, held together by a few measly shreds of icing.

None of this mattered, though, because all the three could see was just the good time they were having together. Sure, the gingerbread house didn't look amazing, but what mattered was that they'd all made it together to celebrate Christmas. They carefully lifted it up and set it on the mantlepiece above the fireplace, admiring the hard work that the three of them had put into the house. Then, they all gathered their things and sat back on the couch, just in time to watch the last few minutes of the movie and move onto the next, chatting until the sun rose and they could finally open their gifts to one another.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 35


Thumbnail for TERRA-1010: Tourma

TERRA-1010: Tourma

Reward Amount


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tycho's Bank

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