Submission (#1541) Approved

19 December 2023, 05:16:54 UTC (9 months ago)
20 December 2023, 02:27:25 UTC (8 months ago) by temul


Robbie was out and about on the dark night, Christmas was soon and he had no ideas on how he was going to celebrate. A few thoughts had appeared in his head, but he brushed them off. Maybe he’d buy a gift for himself? After all, he’d been pretty good this year, or at least he thought he’d been. Winter had been hitting pretty hard this year as well, tons and tons of snow covering the ground.
He pondered a bit as he walked down the lonesome street, claws crunching in the snow. Trudging would’ve been a better word he thought, practically kicking through the snow at this point. He looked around, spotting a few snowmen, forts, and a few terras having snowball fights as well. The frosted windows of various stores adorning the chilly street brought a bit of warmth to the city. He wiped some of the fog off the windows to peer at the many items inside. He browsed through various stores, thinking of what he’d get for himself.

Maybe he could snag a cool jacket? Perhaps boots? Maybe even some silly toys, he did like decorating his home in lots of ways. He paced through the snow, quite unsure of what he was going to do. He was getting a bit nervous, approaching the end of the snowy street. He hadn’t many stores left to scan for things he’d like. What a waste of time he thought to himself, shaking his head as he closed in on the corner of the street.
Then, he saw a unique store.
Decorated on the outside with rainbow scales and bundles of neon signs, ‘CROC EMPORIUM’. OH. HECK. YEAH. He found himself INSTANTLY walking inside, looking around excitedly. Tons and tons of crocodile and alligator merch laid out around him, bags, necklaces, lanyards, purses, shirts, pants, you name it and it was THERE. He gazed around, he was totally buying the entire store. The little crocodile in his visor's jaw practically dropped as it also saw the wonders around them.

Robbie ended up dropping about… 2000 grubs… A worthwhile investment, he had tons of crocodile merch, a few winter hats too. He took the little croc out of his visor and put a small red hat with a cute white pom pom on its head. They were definitely going to have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Robbie smiled to himself a bit.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-490: Robbie

TERRA-490: Robbie

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Z0ibzy's Bank

Currency Quantity