Submission (#147) Approved

6 August 2023, 12:54:41 UTC (1 year ago)
9 August 2023, 10:20:54 UTC (1 year ago) by civet


I have done a writing piece for the event about a young plantem:

The Sun rose high over the rolling hills of Terrah, its blazing rays shone through the light droplets of water patterning from the sparse clouds strolling through the sky, refracting through the crystal prisms of water making colour spray over the world. A young plantem fawn hopped out of dense woodland into the meadow, stopping to smell the petrichor. The air was light and pleasant, nearby skirklings chirped from treetops, the flowers had begun blooming. An array of bright colours, splashed across the grass. The plantem foraged through them, picking a particularly high-quality cobalt-coloured flower, already brimming with essential nectar. They knelt, using their arms to carefully remove the head and extract the sweet fluid, the golden ooze dripping down its chin. Dark clouds creeped onto the horizon but the plantem was oblivious, engrossed in its feast. It skipped and frolicked, heading further and further from the shelter from the woodlands, its gluttony swallowing it as it lapped the liquid gold. Nothing held it back as it indulged itself on the countless flowers. They were beautiful, lush, tasty. The darkness drew closer. The chirps stopped. The sqeetles scampered underground. Quiet hang heavy save for the fumbling fawn. Rolling in the emerald grass, basking in the warmth of the sunlight. Then the world went dark. Grey had swallowed the sky. Rain became a sheet enveloping the earth. Suddenly light flashed. A streak of power fragmenting the sky followed by a crack, a whip in the hand of God. Gale forces howled and blasted through. Fear took its grasp on the small plantem. Its small eyes became much wider, its small mind learned of the world of cruelty. It's instinct to survive returned and it ran. Back, back, back. Back to the shelter of the woods. Back home. It leaped across the hills when it heard it. The earth-shaking roar of death. A monster lumbered into sight, prowling onto the crest of the hill in front, blocking the plantems path back. Light flashed again as a nearby hill exploded, chunks of soil flying like shrapnel. The light shone on the beast highlighting its razor claws and dagger fangs. It stood tall, an imposing presence on the environment, radiating an aura of fear. The plantem fawn ran, using all the strength it could muster to go faster, faster, faster, it had to go faster. It had caught the beast’s glare and it charged. Home, they had to get home. The ground seemed to tremble with every leap the monster took. Help, they needed help. Suddenly their mind splintered in pain. And it’s world went black.


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Pupa Seed 30



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