Submission (#1432) Approved

8 December 2023, 11:59:07 UTC (9 months ago)
10 December 2023, 01:01:35 UTC (9 months ago) by temul


Voidout wasn't much of a dancer, they never were. They had a beautiful voice however, that only certain friends had ever heard, because of how nervous they were to sing in front of crowds. They had been invited out to a little party by their little friend Juice, they were told to 'have his dance moves ready' which he wasn't too pleased to hear. He wasn't going to go in the first place, but Juice begged him and he couldn't say no to the little guy, he didn't want to make him sad.

It was a fairly cold evening as he walked along the sidewalk to head to the house Juice had told him to be. He'd never been in this part of town before, but it looked pretty. Lights wrapped around the light poles and decorations set up in other terras yards. The snow softly falling and adding on to the few inches already on the ground which added an almost holy vibe to it all. Bright lights and white snow, it was almost a surreal looking place. Large pretty houses, and as he made his way farther he heard music coming from one of the houses on the other side of the street. That must be where Juice is.

Voidout crossed the street and over to the sidewalk as he got closer, finally walking up to the house, he stood there outside awkwardly for a moment or two. He looked in the windows and looked for his friend Juice but there was no sight of him just yet.

Voidout suddenly jumped hearing their name spinning around and seeing Juice run up to them. Pulling them into a tight hug that Voidout wiggled out of. After a short chat the two of them headed inside. It was much warmer, and much more comfortable than the snowy cold weather outside. They spent time looking at all the food first before a song came on and Juice quickly grabbed Voidouts paw and tugged them out to the dance floor where other terras were dancing and swaying to the music. Juice let go of their hand now as he danced around them. It wasn't much to the beat but it was surely something, but Juice was having a good time so he didn't care what it looked like! Voidout just watched them for a few second longer finally looking around at other terras dancing and tried to mimic their movements and catch on to the flow of the music.


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 25


Thumbnail for TERRA-1149


Reward Amount
Thumbnail for TERRA-1359: Juice

TERRA-1359: Juice

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

EchoTheRatKing's Bank

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