Submission (#128) Approved

3 August 2023, 11:53:10 UTC (1 year ago)
4 August 2023, 07:08:58 UTC (1 year ago) by civet


The Plantem pranced through the blooming fields of wild flower. She didn't have a care in the world, aside from how fast she could spring across the place. The deer-esque critter forgot her owner was there for a moment. Only remembering he was there when she crashed right into him, knocking them both to the ground. Haze was silent when hitting the ground, both due the grass breaking his fall and him just simply not saying anything, but it was easy to tell he was taken by surprise of the sudden impact.

"Khalia! Be careful please!" Haze spoke while getting back up. He quickly looked around at the ground before picking up a pen. "I would prefer not to hike three miles to the hotel and back just to get something to write with."

Khalia stretched in a manner similar to a dog or a cat would upon standing. She looked at him and wagged her tail, with an almost innocent look on her face. And while Khalia didn't show it at all, Haze new the deer-like critter found the spontaneous tumble hilarious. Before anything further was said, Khalia turned and bounced off in some random direction once again carefree. If Haze had eyes, he would have rolled them. Instead he shook his head, gently enough so the fish and plants in his visor wouldn't be disturbed. Now where was he? Ah yes, making notes of what types of flowers grew out here…

Meanwhile, elsewhere but still very, very close by, the Plantem slowed down from her zoomies to stop and smell the roses (Or in this case, some random coastal lowland wildflower). She used her funky little grippy to bring the flowers closer to her snout. While she did not know the first thing about flower biology and all that, she did know which types of flowers she preferred the nectar of by the smell, color, and shape of the plant. She grabbed one and ate it. Mmm plant juice.

Kahlia grabbed an adjacent flower, instead of sniffing or eating it, she watched it. There was a bee busy doing bee things in the flower. How cute! She thought. Her hoof-hand gently let go of the flower as to not scare the bee. While she was watching that one, she noticed another in her peripherals a little further away. Then quickly noticed another. Khalia loafed in that deer way in the grass and watched the bees go about their business. Pretty soon she started to doze off, she didn't mind randomly taking a nap, knowing Haze would come get her when it was time to head back.

430-something words
I wrote this at 3 am I apologize JGDHRBG


Reward Amount
Pupa Seed 30


Thumbnail for TERRA-036: Haze

TERRA-036: Haze

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for PLANTEM-006


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

Leirofir's Bank

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